Personal Identification

Personal identification is an important aspect of forensic examinations. It is the process of determining the identity of a subject who can be identified as a specific person by his physical characteristics and distinctive features.

Personal identification is carried out mainly using methods of anthropometry, anatomy, radiography and histology. These methods can identify unique characteristics of a person, such as fingerprints, iris patterns, hair structure and other features.

Personal identification methods can also be used to identify a body after death. In such cases, experts can use the same methods to determine the identity of the deceased.

It is important to note that identity identification can be challenging, especially if the person has multiple identities or if their body is severely damaged. In such situations, experts may use additional methods such as DNA analysis or fingerprint comparison.

In general, personal identification plays an important role in forensic science and criminology. It helps identify a person who has been killed or disappeared and can help locate their relatives and loved ones.

Personal identification is the determination of the identity of an identified subject to a specific person by characteristic distinctive features. In forensic medical identification, personal identification is carried out mainly using anatomical, anthropometric, x-ray and histochemical methods. Personal identification methods are also used in the discovery of corpses.