Zenker's dystrophy

Zenker's dystopia

Tsenkerovskaya or Tsenkerotif, and the letter “o” itself is not explained in the original article and means the word “dystrophy”. It is called differently as we are used to - gastrinoma.

The appearance of symptoms of CD is characterized by 3 phenotypes. In people with superficial Zenker's pits (a less common type), classic symptoms of CD include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Rarely, extraintestinal symptoms may occur, including weakness, fatigue, and weight loss.

The diagnosis of CD is established by demonstrating characteristic radiographic signs, colon biopsy, and histological confirmation of hyperintrophic glands of the stomach or duodenum. Although treatment may include dietary restrictions and medications, the most effective method is endoscopic resection of GIC. This method allows you to quickly diagnose the disease and get rid of symptoms, which means that at the time of diagnosis the patient feels better. Until complete cure, EGD monitoring is carried out once a month.

Zenker's dystrophy (f.a. Zenker, 1824 - 1896) is a rare hereditary genetic disease that can manifest itself already during fetal development. This disease is one of the rarest forms of congenital myotonia. It is caused by the absence or insufficiency of inheritance