Reflex Abdominal Superficial

The abdominal superficial reflex is one of the most common reflexes in the human body. It allows you to control the functions of abdominal organs such as the stomach, intestines and kidneys.

The abdominal-superficial reflex has two main phases: motor and secretory. When the signal comes from the motor cortex

The abdominal superficial reflex (abdominal skin reflex) is a reflex response of the body to skin irritation in the abdominal area. It manifests itself in the contraction of the abdominal muscles when the skin in this area is touched.

The abdominal reflex is one of the most common reflexes in the human body. It plays an important role in regulating respiration, blood circulation and other body functions.

When the skin of the abdomen is irritated, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, which causes contraction of the abdominal muscles. This contraction helps maintain normal body position and prevents the body from falling.

In addition, the abdominal surface reflex can be used in the diagnosis of various diseases, such as nervous system disorders or spinal cord injuries. By examining the reflex reaction of the abdominal surface, the doctor can determine the degree of damage to the nervous system and the degree of its recovery.

Thus, the abdominal surface reflex plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the body and can be used in the diagnosis of various disorders of the nervous system.