Reflex Carpoulnar

The carpull (carpular) reflex is a reflexive muscle contraction that occurs when the skin in the wrist area is irritated. This reflex is one of the most common reflexes in the human body. It plays an important role in regulating muscle and joint function and maintaining body balance.

The carpullary reflex occurs when the skin in the wrist area is exposed to heat, cold, pressure, or pain. This causes the muscles of the wrist and fingers to contract, which can lead to changes in body position or movement of the limb.

This reflex is of great importance for humans, as it helps maintain body balance and control the movements of the hands and fingers. In addition, the carpullar reflex can be used in medicine to diagnose various diseases and disorders of the nervous system.

However, it should be remembered that the carpular reflex is not an absolute indicator of health. It can change depending on the state of the body, for example, when tired or stressed. Therefore, if you notice that your carpicular reflex has changed, it is recommended that you consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.