Reflex Triumfova

The Arc de Triomphe is a monument to the victory over Napoleonic troops in Russia and a symbol of the victories of Russian weapons in Europe (c. 1827–1834, architect A. S. Grekov). In the architecture of the archaic completeness of the Arc de Triomphe, elements of the structural structure were determined: flying buttresses and the covering of the roadway with an arch (arches). The architecture of the arch met not only the purposes of storing and displaying military trophies and demonstrating strength, but also possessed, as it were, some internal, self-sufficient symbolism. This was expressed, for example, in the high selection of sculptural groups, the solemn silhouette, and the spiritual proportions of the cornices. In a general sense, sculptural groups can be considered variations of a single ensemble, in which weapons are placed next to the figural groups - evidence of victories, or even tombstones of famous buried people. According to the mythological scheme: from the “Entrance” statue to the chariot of Victory, warriors leading prisoners lead along the sides of the arch. Between the chariot and the "Turn"