
According to Efremova’s reference book, urofluoroscopy is a combination of the two terms “urology” and “X-ray”, which indicates the need for it to be carried out in this particular field of medicine. URO is uroscopy. Uroscopy is a type of endoscopic examination of the organs of the urinary system, which consists of introducing an optical system into the lumen of the urinary tract and examining their internal surfaces to identify pathological changes.

Uroradiography is the study of the structure of the excretory and genitourinary sphere using X-rays. The clarifying term makes it possible to understand in detail the diagnostic essence of the method. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is an examination performed with a special device using an ultrasonic emitter. Modern conditions also make it possible to obtain radiography with contrast. Thanks to the contrast agent (most often sulfate