Inflammation Limiting

Limiting inflammation (or, in other words, demarcation inflammation) is one of the types of inflammation in which a limited focus of inflammation occurs that surrounds a healthy area of ​​tissue. This inflammation occurs in response to external or internal factors that can damage the tissue, causing an inflammatory process.

Restrictive inflammation manifests itself in various diseases, such as injuries, infections, autoimmune diseases and others. It is the body's defense response to damage.

**Inflammation** is the body’s physiological response to a pathogenic effect, aimed at localizing and eliminating the pathogenic factor. This is a normal process for the body, which it strives for when reacting to injury or infection. And such local inflammation is associated with the body’s protective reactions. For example, we can recall how the body reacts at body temperature - excess heat is removed through the skin. This inflammation is aimed at fighting foreign particles and helps remove foreign agents that cause irritation from the body. If such a response of the body allows one to cope with the disease, its course will proceed without serious consequences for health, and sometimes even until complete recovery. This