
The concept of “Impactor” and its role in a person’s life An impactor is a person who was able to achieve success in a certain area thanks to his talent and ability to work, but also acquired a not very good reputation with this certain success; the image of a person who came to success by dishonest or direct means. Suitable words that characterize such a person can be found anywhere and at any time: swindler, rogue, scoundrel, scoundrel, vulgar, nit, bastard, dishonest, scoundrel and others. Less rude options sound like this, for example, cunning, virtuoso-master, rogue, trickster, dishonest and others. What do we think these words have in common? Of course, this is what characterizes a successful person, but not a positive and attractive one. Yes, a person who became great due to the fact that he was lucky to be born at the right time and in the right place, that is, in the case when he turns out to be noticed and made for himself by a convenient environment with the necessary opportunities, means, will be removed from the pedestal because bright shades of some kind of lie or bad taste, no matter how active, responsible, sincere, hardworking and sincere. There are many examples of an impactor and a person who proudly wears such a label - this is billionaire Donald Trump