Nerve Peroneal Deep

The deep peroneal nerve (lat. Nervus peroneus profundus) is a deep nerve that is part of the human peripheral nervous system. It is located in the lower leg area and is responsible for the innervation of the muscles and tendons of the foot and lower leg.

The deep peroneal nerve is a branch of the common peroneal nerve, which arises from the spinal cord in the lumbar region. After leaving the spinal cord, the common peroneal nerve divides into two branches - superficial and deep. The superficial branch innervates the muscles of the thigh and buttock, and the deep branch innervates the muscles of the leg and foot.

The deep peroneal nerve arises from the common peroneal nerve at the level of the knee and passes through the popliteal fossa. It then emerges from under the posterior surface of the tibia and enters the tibia through the medial surface of the medial malleolus. In the lower leg, the peroneal nerve trunk divides into two branches: the superficial and deep peroneal branches.

The superficial peroneal branch innervates the peroneus muscle, which flexes the foot and brings it to the midline. The deep peroneal branch also innervates the plantar flexor muscle, but is also responsible for the innervation of the peroneal muscles, which adduct the foot to the midline and extend it.

In addition, the deep peroneal nerve innervates the tendons of the peroneal muscles and provides their mobility, and also provides sensation to the skin on the anterior surface of the leg, foot and fingers.

Thus, the deep peroneal nerve plays an important role in the innervation of the muscles and tendons of the leg and foot, ensuring their mobility and sensitivity.

The peroneal nerve deep is one of three major nerve bundles that run through the back of the leg and thigh. This nerve innervates the muscles of the foot, toes and lower leg, including the small ones such as the peroneal and tibial muscles. In this case, I want to talk about why we need the Malobertsev Glubokoy nerve.

How does this nerve help our muscles? Innervation of muscles occurs through the nervous system, which sends electrical impulses to the muscles. In this case, the Peroneus deep nerve sends these impulses through special channels called nerve fibers. These fibers carry electrical activity from the nerve to the muscle to cause it to move. When we want to move a muscle, for example, when we pull ourselves up or lift a leg, the impulse from the nerve spreads along the nerve fibers, from them passes further into the muscle tissue, which contracts. Thus, the nerve provides a neural connection between the muscles and the nervous system, which allows us to effectively control our movements.

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