Emotion Negative

A negative emotion is an unpleasant experience caused by the dissatisfaction of any important human needs. Emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, guilt, shame, contempt, disgust, anxiety and others are considered negative emotions.

Negative emotions signal problems, threats, losses. They encourage a person to take active action to correct the situation and eliminate the source of discomfort. For example, fear warns of danger, anger mobilizes energy for protection.

However, if negative emotions are too intense and prolonged, they begin to have a negative impact. Excessive fear paralyzes the will, anger provokes aggression, sadness leads to depression. Therefore, it is important to be able to control and express such emotions constructively.

Thus, negative emotions play an important role in a person’s adaptation to difficulties and threats. But the excess of these emotions disrupts mental health and well-being. The ability to manage negative emotions is an important skill in emotional competence.

Negative emotions are natural phenomena for humans that can arise in various situations. They help us understand our feelings and adapt to circumstances.

**Negative emotions** are an unpleasant experience of need dissatisfaction due to the inability to satisfy it. **Negative emotion** can arise as a result of negative life experiences or interactions with other people. For example, sadness caused by disappointment in another person, or anger caused by an unfulfilled promise. Also, a **negative emotion** occurs when a person encounters some obstacle on his way to a goal or dream.

Both children and adults can experience a negative mood. It may seem like a short period. However, just like positive, negative emotions affect physical health. A direct connection has been found between negative mood, especially depression, and decreased immunity. Many people often ask the question about positive and negative energy, negative and positive. And if you add up their proportions, it turns out that two-thirds of people’s lives consist of negative emotions, and only one-third of positive ones.

The neutral period is a period of balance and calm. Balance stage when there are both positive and negative emotions in balance with each other. The main reasons for balance are that there are no strong dependencies on any areas of life.