Relief ointment instructions for use for the face

Relief ointment is a common pharmaceutical product with local action. Proctologists use it in their practice. Currently, there is an opinion that it is possible to get good results if you apply Relief ointment for wrinkles under the eyes.

Chemical composition

Relief consists mostly of natural components:


  1. The main ingredient of the ointment is fatty extract from shark liver (3%). This is a highly valuable component containing a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Shark liver helps renew skin cells, protects against inflammatory processes, strengthens the immune system, and prevents the development of tumors.
  2. Phenylephrine hydrochloride (0.25%) normalizes the outflow of fluid, relieves swelling, reduces itching, and constricts blood vessels.
  3. Unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, -6) – an indispensable component for maintaining the health and beauty of the skin. Their deficiency causes dry, flaky skin. Omega acids eliminate inflammation, strengthen the vascular system, and affect the rejuvenation of body cells.
  4. Lanolin alcohol has strong softening properties, promotes wound healing, scar resorption, and skin cell restoration.
  5. Alpha tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) – a powerful antioxidant, “vitamin of youth”, stimulates cellular renewal.
  6. Retinol (vitamin A) participates in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for retaining moisture in the skin, as well as a strong wound healing agent.
  7. Glycerol eliminates inflammation, moisturizes and protects the skin. It also has antiseptic properties, allowing it to be used to prevent skin wounds from becoming infected.
  8. Beeswax – an excellent natural moisturizer. It retains water particles, protecting the skin from dehydration. Like other beekeeping products, it has powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Wax is a strong antioxidant that stimulates cell renewal and restoration.
  9. Thyme oil tones the skin, makes it elastic and soft, improves tissue metabolism.
  10. Corn oil rich in bioactive components that create a protective barrier for the skin and increase its regenerative functions. The oil smoothes and tightens the skin, increases its elasticity, relieves inflammation and symptoms of fatigue.
  11. Cacao butter - a strong antioxidant, nourishes, restores the mucous membrane of the skin, helps retain moisture in the deep layers of the epidermis.

Production form

Relief is produced in the form of an ointment, having a light yellow color, a homogeneous texture without foreign inclusions, with a specific fishy odor. Packaging – plastic or aluminum tube, weighing 28.4 g. The cardboard box with the ointment contains an annotation and a nozzle for distributing the product over the skin.


Relief suppositories (suppositories) with identical composition are available for sale. Candles can be used as a facial skin care product by first melting them to a paste-like consistency.

Pharmacological properties

Relief ointment has a strong anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, anti-edematous effect, improves the permeability of blood vessels, eliminates the risk of blood clots, making the blood more fluid.

The regenerating properties of the ointment are due to its combined composition:

  1. Shark liver oil reduces itching, has strong wound healing and immunomodulatory properties, and activates the production of collagen fibers.
  2. An important active component - phenylephrine - strengthens blood vessels, relieves pastiness, reduces itching, activates cell rejuvenation, and turns on the process of restoration of damaged tissues.
  3. Cocoa butter restores the skin and helps soften the skin.
  4. Oils and vitamins of plant origin relieve redness and flaking of the skin.


Relief ointment is rich in valuable substances. Its ingredients have a diverse positive effect on epidermal cells.


You can practice using the ointment in the following cases:

  1. premature formation of small wrinkles on the delicate skin in the eye area;
  2. to smooth out age wrinkles;
  3. as a drug against skin irritations and inflammations;
  4. to relieve skin from excessive dryness and flaking;
  5. swelling and puffiness of the lower eyelids and adjacent areas of the skin;
  6. presence of blue circles under the eyes;
  7. as a means of “instant beauty” in case you urgently need to remove fatigue and signs of age from your face.

Relief will not help if puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are hereditary, or appeared as a result of water retention in the body; it will not correct deep age wrinkles, but will only make them less noticeable.


Relief ointment for wrinkles under the eyes should not be used:

  1. patients with diabetes;
  2. in the active stage of tuberculosis;
  3. for thrombosis;
  4. if blood clotting is increased;
  5. pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  6. for blood diseases;
  7. people prone to allergies;
  8. in case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  9. patients with asthma;


  10. people suffering from cancer;
  11. if the temperature has risen;
  12. patients with influenza and ARVI;
  13. for dermatitis and dermatoses.

Adverse reactions

If the recommendations are not followed, Relief ointment can cause:

  1. rash and red spots on the skin;
  2. burning, itching;
  3. pastiness and puffiness;
  4. tightness, dry skin;
  5. lacrimation and burning of the eyes when the ointment gets on them.

Allergy test

Relief ointment for wrinkles under the eyes can be applied to the face only after testing the skin for a possible allergic reaction. To test, spread the ointment in an even layer over areas with more susceptible skin (wrist, elbow, earlobe).


Before using Relief ointment on the face for wrinkles, you should test for an allergic reaction.

The ointment should be left overnight. If in the morning there are no negative consequences (itching, rash), you can practice using Relief as a cosmetic product.

Instructions for using ointment for wrinkles under and around the eyes

Relief ointment for wrinkles under the eyes is applied only after an allergy test. Before using the ointment, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with neutral cosmetic milk or lotion.

The relief is applied strictly along the radial bone with your fingertips, using gentle patting movements to avoid getting into the eyes. The procedure should be carried out in the evening. After 15 min. Remove excess ointment with a napkin.


For intense effects and quick results, you can use Relief in the form of patches. To do this, place a cotton swab heavily soaked in ointment on the lower eyelid. Leave for 10 minutes, remove excess ointment with a clean napkin.

Relief ointment can be mixed with cosmetic cream. The effect of such use will be less, but the possibility of getting an unpleasant side effect is minimized. It is necessary to store the ointment observing the temperature regime: from +4 to 27 degrees, keep away from children. Cannot be used after the expiration date.

Frequency of use for facial skin

For prevention, Relief ointment for wrinkles under the eyes should be used only 1-2 times a month. For intensive problem solving, apply for 5 days in a row, then allow the skin to rest for 2 weeks. If necessary, repeat the course.

If this is not observed, the skin will get used to the ointment, and the effect of its use will be exactly the opposite: dryness, flaking and tightness of the skin will appear, and wrinkles will become more noticeable. It is best to use Relief once, as a means of “instant beauty,” that is, on the eve of a responsible exit.

Precautionary measures

Since Relief ointment is not a cosmetic product, before using it it is necessary to calculate all the risks regarding possible allergic reactions. It is important to protect the mucous membrane of the eyes from contact with the product. If the ointment gets into your eyes, you should rinse them with running warm water. If eye burning does not go away, consult a doctor.


The ointment has not undergone any clinical trials as a cosmetic product, so the consequences of its use may be unpredictable.

Relief has a fairly pronounced fishy aroma, which can cause an unpleasant impression. It is also important to remember contraindications when using ointment.


Relief ointment reduces the effect of medications that lower blood pressure.

If the ointment is used simultaneously with antidepressants, a hypertensive crisis may occur.

Price of ointment in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Relief ointment is an affordable product. Despite the fact that the price range is quite large, the average cost of a tube of ointment is about 400 rubles.

City Pharmacy name price, rub.
Moscow Omni Pharm 290
Uni Pharm 322 443 381
Pharmacy chain "36.6" 416
Neopharm 519
St. Petersburg Vita Express 365
Pulse 397
Organic Neva 399
Lek Wholesale Torg 410
N.Novgorod Ozerki 271
Hello 406
MedTorg 435
Permian Perm pharmacy 382
Omsk Pharmacopeia 409-50
Ufa Omnifarm 290
Voronezh Zdravgorod 486-50
Krasnoyarsk Cheap pharmacy 300
Asna 322
Irkutsk Pharmeconom 388-20
Simferopol Europharm 360
ZdravZona 312
Sochi Melody of Health 360

Analogs of Relief ointment

Ointments for hemorrhoids have a delicate consistency. They contain unique components that tone and regenerate the skin, nourish with vitamins, moisturize and soften; activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Heparin ointment – relieves puffiness, removes dark circles under the eyes, smoothes out small wrinkles. The components of the ointment contain heparin, which thins the blood; glycerol, which retains moisture in the skin and helps smooth the skin; nourishing peach oil that activates intracellular processes. The ointment is light in consistency, absorbs well, but has a specific smell.


Hepatrombin – will be able to straighten shallow wrinkles, remove puffiness and blue circles in the eye area. The main component is heparin.



Proctonis The composition is identical to Relief ointment. It contains ingredients such as aloe and sage extracts, cocoa butter, glycerol, and shark liver extract. It has softening, regenerating properties and can relieve redness and inflammation of the skin.

All these drugs were created to solve proctological issues, and not as cosmetics, and they have their own contraindications and side effects.

Also, Relief ointment must be distinguished from Relief Advance ointment. The difference is that the second product contains large quantities of benzocoin, a strong anesthetic. The remaining components are identical. Since pain relief is not required to correct cosmetic blemishes, you need to buy Relief ointment.

Using heparin ointment (analogue of Relief) as an anti-wrinkle remedy:

Reviews from cosmetologists about the effectiveness of the drug

For wrinkles under the eyes, Relief ointment is often used without the knowledge of doctors. The views of cosmetology specialists on this issue are directly opposite. Positive reviews are based on real positive experiences using ointment instead of cosmetic cream. Relief is used by many models and “stars” to correct age-related changes.

Since the product consists only of natural ingredients, it cannot harm, this part of the experts believes. The low price of the ointment, compared to cosmetic preparations with a similar effect, also contributes to its popularity in wide circles.


But, in any case, experts remind that The ointment should be used only after a preliminary test for skin sensitivity, and also strictly follow the instructions for use - apply a thin layer, do not use too often, but only as an addition to basic cosmetic care.

Another part of cosmetologists are obvious opponents of using ointment in their practice. There are many specially created drugs to combat wrinkles. Thousands of cosmetic laboratories around the world are working to solve the problem of premature skin aging.

All drugs intended for sensitive eyelid skin are necessarily tested by dermatologists and ophthalmologists, but Relief ointment was created for the treatment of proctological problems and has not undergone such tests.

Accordingly, if the ointment is used inappropriately, various side effects may occur., associated with the skin, severe irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes can occur.

Whether it is worth using Relief ointment for wrinkles under the eyes, everyone must decide for themselves, having previously studied the above information and all the arguments for and against.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: Relief ointment for wrinkles under the eyes

Reviews about the use of ointment Relief from wrinkles under the eyes:

How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes (episode of a popular program):

As you know, in war any means are good. And every woman wants to emerge victorious in the eternal struggle against wrinkles. Standard cosmetic products do not always give the desired results. Then the girls turn to folk and non-traditional remedies. Very often they choose pharmaceutical ointment “Relief” for wrinkles. Reviews from cosmetologists say that even representatives of show business use this product to stop age-related changes.


Is this drug really so wonderful and gives a rejuvenating effect? Let's check! In the article we will look at the composition, properties, effectiveness of the product, secrets of use, as well as the opinions of experts and customers about this product.

"Relief" - an ointment for wrinkles?

Consumer reviews say that the manufacturer does not indicate wrinkles as an indication for use in the package insert. And it’s not surprising, because this medicine is actually designed to combat proctological problems. It is made in the form of suppositories and ointments, and is prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids. The product also perfectly relieves inflammation, constricts dilated blood vessels, and heals various types of cracks and damage to the anus. It was because of its healing and astringent properties that girls turned their attention to hemorrhoid ointment as a cosmetic remedy for wrinkles.

What is the product?

The product is available in two forms (as already mentioned): as a rectal suppository and an ointment. Candles will not be the best option for cosmetic procedures. Before use, you will first have to melt them for some time, which is not very convenient. It is preferable to use “Relief” (ointment) for the face against wrinkles. Reviews from consumers confirm this. The ointment itself has a light yellowish tint, a greasy consistency and a characteristic fishy smell. The aroma, as well as the effectiveness of the product, is explained by the unique substances that are included in the composition.


Active components

Like hemorrhoids, the ointment can get rid of wrinkles in just a week. And all thanks to the unique properties of the active components that are included in the composition. There are only two of them, but they are very effective and give an amazing effect.

1. Shark liver oil. Relieves pain, promotes rapid tissue regeneration and wound healing. The oil also moisturizes and nourishes the skin, restores and maintains the water balance of the epidermis. As a result, the face becomes perfectly smooth and velvety. Thanks to these properties, shark oil is great for wrinkles, unhealthy puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

2. Phenylephrine hydrochloride. It has a vasoconstrictor effect, thanks to which it quickly and effectively fights edema and swelling. It also helps improve blood supply to problem areas of the epidermis.

“Relief Ultra” and “Relief Advance” have a similar composition. Anti-wrinkle ointment, the reviews of which are mostly rave, will still cope with wrinkles better than medications in the form of a suppository.

Auxiliary components

The remaining ingredients of the composition are also useful, but are contained in smaller quantities. Therefore, they are only additional substances on the basis of which the action of the main components is revealed.

  1. Vitamins A and E, included in the composition, are powerful antioxidants. They maintain skin turgor, making it more toned and elastic, slow down the aging process and restore the dermis. Vitamins allow you to successfully use anti-wrinkle ointment.


  1. Cocoa butter and Vaseline soften the skin and increase elasticity.
  1. Hydrocortisone acetate relieves swelling, irritation, itching, has a vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect.
  1. Thyme relieves inflammation, cleanses pores and promotes healing of small wounds.
  1. Beeswax is included in many cosmetic products, the prices of which are much higher than for Relief ointment. The waste product of these insects is a great remedy for wrinkles (reviews from cosmetologists confirm this). Beeswax contains vitamin A in large quantities, and it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Therefore, the product protects, moisturizes, nourishes and evens out the complexion well.
  1. Thyme oil copes well with skin imperfections such as blackheads and pimples.
  1. Glycerol considered an excellent moisturizer and wrinkle filler.
  1. Corn oil regenerates the epidermis and restores its protective properties. It also softens and nourishes the skin, relieves inflammation, smoothes out fine and deep wrinkles.

The combination of these components in the composition provides an amazing result, which is demonstrated by the Relief ointment in cosmetology. For wrinkles, customer reviews say the product really helps.

The result of the ointment

It is certainly unknown why and who decided to use the drug for hemorrhoids to preserve a youthful face. But judging by customer reviews, it really works. Moreover, in some cases, skin imperfections disappear in about a week. So, what results can you expect after using Relief ointment?


  1. wrinkles become invisible;
  2. all irregularities are smoothed out;
  3. dryness is eliminated;
  4. peeling stops;
  5. the skin is saturated with moisture;
  6. the face becomes fresh, elastic, with a toned texture;
  7. swelling subsides;
  8. the area around the eyes acquires a healthy color;
  9. pores are cleansed;
  10. acne and inflammation heal.

That is, using Relief ointment you can achieve smoothing of wrinkles and an almost perfect face.

Expert opinion

Reviews from cosmetologists about “Relief” anti-wrinkle ointment are purely positive. They do not deny unconventional methods in the fight against skin imperfections. While doctors categorically object to such experiments. This is explained by the fact that the drug was developed for completely different purposes - the treatment of proctological diseases. And clinical trials were conducted accordingly. Therefore, severe allergic reactions and results that are opposite to those expected may occur in the facial area.

Cosmetologists are actively positioning the cream as an effective remedy against age-related changes. They note a rapid smoothing of wrinkles on the forehead, bridge of the nose and around the mouth.

Consumer impressions

People generally respond well to this product. They note significant improvements immediately after applying the ointment. This allows you to get your skin in order right before an important event. However, there is no clear opinion on how Relief ointment behaves for wrinkles under the eyes. Reviews from some customers indicate that the product copes well with skin unevenness, dark circles and swelling. Other girls experienced reverse effects and a serious allergic reaction in the eye area.


Often customers are disappointed by the not very good consistency and unpleasant fishy smell. But these shortcomings are smoothed out by the presence of a natural composition and a real anti-aging effect. Women are also pleased with the cost of the ointment, which is an order of magnitude lower than the prices of specialized cosmetics.

Allergy test

Customers and cosmetologists recommend doing a test before applying ointment to the face. Because the clinical tests were performed on a different part of the body, the skin reaction cannot be predicted. A small amount of ointment should be applied to the surface of the palm or wrist and wait for an hour. If during this time no redness, itching or rash has appeared, then you can apply Relief anti-wrinkle ointment to your face. Reviews from cosmetologists show that this recommendation should not be neglected. Otherwise, the drug may cause the opposite effects: swelling, peeling, inflammation and other problems.

Instructions for use

Of course, the product has a package insert that tells you how to use the hemorrhoid remedy. But there’s not a word about the face, which is not surprising. Cosmetologists have long developed their own instructions.

Before applying, you must wash and cleanse your face with alcohol-free products. Ideally, you should steam your face in a hot bath to open the pores. This way the drug will be better absorbed and effective.


Further, experts recommend applying a small amount of ointment only to problem areas. If too much product has been applied, the residue can be removed with a napkin.

Apply the ointment correctly

To get the greatest effect from the ointment, use the following tips.

  1. Apply the product with light massage movements.
  2. Leave the product on your face for up to half an hour, then blot your skin with a napkin.
  3. To combat deep wrinkles, apply the ointment in a thick layer and cover with an adhesive bandage. This will prevent smudging, drying out and ensure deep absorption.

If you do not neglect these recommendations, you can very effectively use “Relief” (ointment) against wrinkles. Reviews from real customers and experienced cosmetologists confirm this fact.

Frequency of use

You need to fight wrinkles, but don’t get carried away with applying ointment. Experts do not advise doing this every day, otherwise the opposite effect will occur: drying of the skin and the appearance of new wrinkles. The ointment is applied 1-2 times a day and no more. It would be more correct to use the drug before bed, since it is undesirable to apply makeup to it.

Long-term use of ointment is also harmful. The course should last only 1-2 weeks. Afterwards it is recommended to take a break for 30 days. If this is neglected, then within a few months, due to the oversaturation of useful components, the skin will dry out, turn grey, become flabby and take on a tired appearance.



You should avoid using the drug if the following facts apply to you.

  1. intolerance to components;
  2. blood diseases;
  3. pregnancy and breastfeeding.

We can summarize that “Relief” ointment for wrinkles is very effective if used correctly. And do not forget that this skin preparation should only be an “ambulance” and not a permanent care product.

Relief ointment is a remedy for hemorrhoids. The instructions say that the ointment relieves pain and stops bleeding. The pharmacy offers Relief Advance, Relief Ulta and a drug with a similar effect - Deep Relief.

Ointment Relief is sold in tubes of 28 g. Each tube is equipped with an applicator (for convenient insertion into the anus). The effectiveness of treatment with Relief is quite high, provided that the drug you purchased is not a fake.

Types of ointments Relief: Advance and Ultra


The German-Swiss pharmaceutical company Bayer produces three types of Relief ointments and suppositories with the so-called angioprotective (against hemorrhoids) action. This:

  1. Relief - ointment and suppositories.
  2. Relief Advance - ointment and suppositories.
  3. Relief Ultra – ointment is not available, only suppositories.

The listed drugs have common indications for use - hemorrhoids, anal itching, fissures. But at the same time they differ in the set of active and additional components.

All types of Relief contain shark liver oil, as well as various vasoconstrictors, anabolic steroids, and agents for treating inflammation and stopping bleeding. Due to differences in composition, ointments are used to treat hemorrhoids at different stages.

  1. Simple Relief is prescribed at the beginning of detection of hemorrhoidswhen blood appears during bowel movements. Moreover, if there are only external nodes, ointment is used. If hemorrhoidal cones are located inside, suppositories are placed. If both are available, use ointment and suppositories at the same time.
  2. If, in addition to blood discharge, pain appears, Relief Advance with an anabolic steroid is prescribed.. Similarly, only suppositories for internal nodes, or ointment for external lumps. Or complex treatment - for several hemorrhoidal formations in the rectum and anus.
  3. Relief Ultra – the most powerful drug, available exclusively in the form of suppositories, used for intraintestinal treatment of hemorrhoids in the presence of an inflammatory process (which is accompanied by pain, swelling, bleeding).

The choice of drug for treatment is carried out according to the symptoms of the disease, its clinical form and stage of development.

Warming ointments: Deep Relief and Fast Relief

The pharmaceutical industry offers two more drugs under the trade name Relief. These are Deep Relief and Fast Relief. They are fundamentally different from antihemorrhoidal ointments and are intended to warm deep tissues. However, sometimes their action is effective in eliminating blood stagnation in hemorrhoids.


Deep Relief – ointment (gel) produced by a British pharmaceutical company. It is not intended to treat hemorrhoids. Designed for pain relief and treatment of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis and osteoarthrosis, as well as radiculitis, pinching, sprains).

The gel contains two active ingredients: ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory) and levomenthol (weak anesthetic). Therefore, Deep Relief provides anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, and analgesic effects.


Fast Relief - ointment from an Indian manufacturer, which according to the instructions is a remedy for joint and muscle pain. It contains turpentine (turpentine), eucalyptus and clove oils, camphor, menthol, which stimulate blood circulation and provide a warming effect. As a result, the condition of tissues during inflammation, swelling, pinching improves, spasm and neurological pain decrease.

These compositions can be used in the treatment of external hemorrhoids in the initial stage (when there is no bleeding). Applying warming ointments to hemorrhoids promotes their resorption.

Important: warming ointments should not be used during the bleeding stage. They will increase blood flow and slow down the formation of a blood clot in the wound.

Relief - ointment at the beginning of hemorrhoids

The antihemorrhoidal effect of Relief ointment is ensured by its composition. What the ointment contains:

  1. Phenylephrine hydrochloride has a vasoconstrictor, and therefore anti-edematous, effect. 1 g of ointment contains only 2.5 mg or 0.25%.

Despite its low content, phenylephrine is named by the manufacturer as the main active ingredient. In addition to it, the ointment contains several other components, which are called auxiliary:

  1. Shark fish liver oil – 30 mg per 1 g ointment. Him - anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, regenerating effect. Reduces pain, accelerates healing of cracks in the anus and rectum. Stimulates the action of local immunity.
  2. The fat base is petroleum jelly, wax and mineral oil (140 mg or 14% oil, 720 mg or 72% petroleum jelly, 12% natural beeswax). And also in small quantities - corn oil (0.2%), lanolin (2.3%), glycerol (2.5%), paraffin (0.5%), thyme oil (0.1%), vitamin E (0.05%).
  3. Preservatives – propyl parahydroxybenzoate (0.1%), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (0.2%).

Relief ointment and suppositories help reduce hemorrhoidal protrusions in the initial stage, before bleeding.

Relief Advance - ointment with analgesic effect

The main difference between Relief Advance and just Relief is the content of an anabolic steroid (benzocaine). According to the instructions, it is called the main active ingredient. Therefore, the main purpose of Relief Advance is to relieve pain from hemorrhoidal cones and protrusions. The analgesic effect of Relief Advance is so pronounced that it used during proctological examinations and during the recovery period after proctological operations.

Let's list the components of the ointment:

  1. Benzocaine – makes the neuron membrane impermeable, thereby stopping the transmission of nerve impulses and creating an analgesic effect. The amount of it in the ointment is the maximum among other components, except Vaseline (in 1 g - 200 mg or 20% shark oil). An overdose of benzocaine may cause drowsiness.
  2. Shark liver oil – it contains only 30 mg or 3%.
  3. Mineral oil - 120 mg or 12% oil.
  4. Petrolatum - 610 mg or 61%.
  5. Also, traditional preservatives for many modern drugs - propylene glycol (20 mg or 2%), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (0,24%), sorbitan monostearate (1%), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (0,06%).

Relief Ultra - suppositories for the treatment of inflammation and pain


Relief Ultra is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. They contain the same set of auxiliary components and preservatives (shark liver oil, mineral oil, methyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoate), the main formative component (cocoa butter, 95%) and the main active ingredient is hydrocortisone (as acetate). Each suppository contains 10 mg (this is 0.5%), hydrocortisone and zinc (in the form of sulfate monohydrate - 11 mg or 0.55% in each suppository).

Relief Ultra relieves inflammation. In addition to the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is used in the early postoperative period (after proctological operations during the first 4-5 days - to prevent the inflammatory process).

This drug has additional contraindications. Candles should not be used for any infection (bacterial, fungal, viral), including tuberculosis. And also during pregnancy, lactation and neoplasms. In case of overdose, suppositories greatly reduce immunity, form calcium deficiency and osteoporosis.

Note: since Relief Ultra is produced in the form of suppositories, its administration in the first days after surgery can be painful. Therefore, Ultra suppositories are combined with Advance ointment (first, the ointment is used to numb the pain, then the suppository is administered).

Relief ointment: instructions for use

The instructions for the ointment regulate its use in the treatment of any manifestations of internal and external hemorrhoids. Namely:

  1. For hemorrhoids (bumps, protrusions).
  2. For fissures in the anus.
  3. For itching and swelling of the skin of the anus.

Symptoms of itching, burning, and other signs of inflammation can appear not only with hemorrhoids. They may accompany other diseases of the rectum or perineum. Therefore, the use of Relief ointment is in demand after proctological operations, as well as for pain relief during rectal diagnostics.

Relief ointment or suppositories

The drug Relief is available in two forms - ointments and rectal suppositories. The choice of one form or another depends on the location of the hemorrhoidal cones and inflammation.

Ointment is a drug for the treatment of external nodes. Suppositories - medicine for internal hemorrhoids. But the best treatment is not to choose between suppositories and ointments, and combine their actions with each other. Hemorrhoids know no boundaries between the walls of the rectum and the outer mucous membrane of the anus. External nodes are often accompanied by lumps in the rectum. Note: the analgesic effect of 1 suppository is equivalent to the effect of 1 g of ointment. And a vasoconstrictor - to 2 g of ointment (based on the content of benzocaine and shark liver oil). The combination of ointment and suppositories enhances their therapeutic effect by 95%.

How to use Relief ointment for hemorrhoids

The main use of Relief ointment is for hemorrhoids. This is an external treatment for adults. It can only be used by children after 12 years of age. Let us list the features of treatment with the drug.

  1. The ointment should be applied only to clean skin. Therefore, before doing this, you need to thoroughly wash the anus and gently wipe it (until dry).
  2. In order for the therapeutic effect to manifest itself as quickly and better as possible, the ointment must be kept on hemorrhoidal cones constantly. Therefore, the composition is applied in the morning and evening, as well as in the middle of the day (after visiting the toilet and defecation).
  3. How to apply the ointment? Remove the cap and attach the applicator to the tube. Use it to inject the ointment into the anus. After each use, rinse the applicator.

Important: thrombolytic disease is a contraindication to Relief treatment. The drug constricts blood vessels and increases the likelihood of blood clots in thick blood.

How to use Relief ointment in cosmetology

Relief rectal ointment has found unexpected application in cosmetology. Indeed, if the composition of the ointment constricts blood vessels and regenerates new skin, then why shouldn’t it stimulate the restoration of facial skin cells and remove swelling? Despite the lack of direct recommendations to apply the ointment to the face (there is no such thing in the instructions), Relief is often used to prevent early wrinkles (mainly facial wrinkles), as well as bags under the eyes.

The use of Relief ointment for puffiness under the eyes is explained by its anti-constriction effect. As a result of vasoconstriction, the area of ​​swelling is reduced, and sagging “bags” are reduced.


Relief ointment under the eyes is applied at night. When first applied, the composition is mixed with baby cream. This way you can prevent an unexpected allergic reaction (redness or burning if there is, it will be small). If everything went without any unpleasant sensations, next time the composition is applied without mixing with the cream.

Relief ointment for the face is not suitable for oily acne skin. An ointment composition is the best nourishment for dry skin of the face or hands. For such skin, you can use Relief ointment (for wrinkles and early aging).

A slight burning sensation, a not very pleasant smell - these are, perhaps, all the shortcomings of the ointment for cosmetic purposes.

Note: in cosmetology, an analogue of Relief ointments is actively used - Heparin composition. However, it has another effect - it accelerates blood flow and thereby treats swelling and inflammation.

Pregnancy and lactation period

Relief has no obvious contraindications for the treatment of pregnant women (they have not been found over several years of using the ointment). However, the instructions recommend caution when using it during pregnancy.. The traditional formulation is used that treatment with this drug during pregnancy is permitted when the risk from the disease is greater than the risk of possible complications from treatment.

Relief ointment during breastfeeding is also used only when absolutely necessary (the composition penetrates in small quantities into breast milk, its effect on the development of the child has not been fully studied).

Note: an allergic reaction (redness, rash, dermatitis in the anal area) is possible, but rare.

Analogs of Relief ointment

One of the features of ointments with the trade name Relief (Ultra, Advance) is a fairly high price. This forces us to look for other drugs with similar effects and a more affordable price.

One of the main analogues of Relief is Heparin ointment.. Relief or Heparin ointment - which is better?

Heparin is a substance that accelerates blood flow and thereby treats various inflammations, swelling, and bruising. The use of heparin for hemorrhoids is possible at the beginning of the disease, when hemorrhoids have already formed, but are not yet bleeding. In later stages, when there are open wounds and areas of bleeding, the use of heparin will increase bleeding.

Note: one of the contraindications to the use of heparin ointment is that it cannot be applied to open wounds and cannot be used immediately after injury (impact, bruise).

Among other analogues - suppositories and ointment Proctosan (with the analgesic lidocaine).


I read on the forum that Relief is an ointment for hemorrhoids. I bought it and started applying it. I noticed the effect after a week - the lump in the anus became noticeably smaller.

Anyone who knows what hemorrhoids are will understand. I got it after giving birth. I never thought that this could affect me. I have always avoided discussing such problems. I bought regular Relief ointment. I applied it and covered it with a bandage (so that it wouldn’t rub off on the laundry). The ointment stinks, but it helps. True, slowly. But the disease does not go away forever. Just a moment of constipation and a relapse occurs. Usually in winter. That's why I have Relief in my home medicine cabinet.

And Proctozol helped me better with hemorrhoids. And Relief is already at the stage of follow-up treatment.

But I didn’t see any serious rejuvenation. If your imagination is good, you can say, yes, the wrinkles have disappeared, the skin is like it was in youth. Not true.

Why, it helps for skin elasticity. Try it, my skin is dry - it has gotten better.

I don’t know how it works against wrinkles, but it helps against age-related skin aging. Use the ointment in courses. 1 month every six months. But the effect does not appear too quickly.

All information is provided for informational purposes. And it is not an instruction for self-treatment. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor.