Resort Business

Resort business is a set of activities for the organization, construction, management of resorts, provision of treatment and cultural services for patients and vacationers, exploitation of natural remedies, protection of hydromineral resources and sanitary protection of resorts.

Resort business includes the study of natural healing factors, design and construction of resort facilities, sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels and other infrastructure. Particular attention is paid to the use of unique natural resources - mineral waters, medicinal mud, healing climate.

An important part of the resort business is the organization of medical and health procedures, the use of modern methods of physiotherapy, balneotherapy, and climatotherapy. Also an integral component is the creation of conditions for complete rest and entertainment for vacationers.

The resort business requires an integrated approach, constant improvement, and investment in infrastructure development. This allows you to maintain the competitiveness of the resort, attract more vacationers and improve their health with the help of unique natural factors.

**Resort business** is a set of measures to create resorts and medical areas, provide medical services, administer and control their activities. The main direction of the resort business is the creation of conditions for medical care, recreation and residence of people. This is a special type of resort industry, the goal of which is to improve the health of the human body and improve the quality of life.

Resort activities are associated with the development of medical and health complexes. It includes the construction and maintenance of medical, preventive and hotel institutions, hotel construction and hotels, the development of resort areas with all the component infrastructure facilities. Historically, it has been customary to highlight the following directions for the development of resort areas: 1. Development of resort infrastructure - construction of resort facilities. 2. Reconstruction of resort settlements. 3. Curor service