Rest on the Waters

Rest on the waters

Who hasn't heard of Karlovy Vary - a Czech resort city? There, healing springs gush out of the ground, and local craftsmen produce the miracle liqueur Becherovka. Back in the 19th century, the entire elite of Russian society went there to improve their failing health. European aristocrats chose this paradise much earlier.

When it's time for vacation, many of us panic. How, and most importantly, where to carry it out? Go to the sea to bask in the sun to your heart's content, or choose an extreme kayaking trip along the Yenisei? It’s not a bad idea to spend a vacation in the countryside: finish building a bathhouse and catch perch, or you can buy a ticket to exotic Thailand or the Seychelles. Each type of vacation has its own advantages: comfort, a beautiful tan, vivid impressions, new acquaintances. And its disadvantages: solar radiation, injuries, stress... The choice of route must be taken seriously. After all, a few weeks of vacation determine how we will feel throughout the next year: like a wind-up hare on an Energizer battery or like a sleepy fly.

Therefore, the best option for relaxation is to combine pleasure and wellness. This is what resorts are for. On the one hand, experienced specialists will help you restore strength and heal, on the other hand, no one bothers you to spend your free time as you please. The ideal resorts in all respects are those located on mineral waters. And Karlovy Vary is especially popular among them.

Living water

This resort town is located in the Czech Republic and dates back to 1358. According to legend, one day King Charles IV was hunting deer alone in these parts, and his horse stumbled. At the same moment, a hot spring began to flow from under the hooves of the royal horse. Deciding that a sign had been sent to him from above, Charles founded a city on this site.

Karlovy Vary (formerly Carlsbad) became a resort a little later, at the beginning of the 15th century, when the first hydropathic clinics - lazne - were opened. Since then, who hasn’t vacationed in Karlovy Vary! Beethoven and Mozart, Goethe and Schiller, Gogol and Turgenev, and even Peter I and Karl Marx. All these great men were attracted by the opportunity to quickly improve their health with the help of the healing properties of local water.

In Karlovy Vary and its surroundings there are as many as 60 mineral springs, although only 12 of them are used for medicinal purposes. The composition of Karlovy Vary mineral waters is bicarbonate-sulfur-chloride-sodium, that is, very healthy. The sources differ from each other in carbon dioxide content and temperature (from 34 to 73 degrees).

By the way, it has long been believed that the unique natural properties of Karlovy Vary mineral water last only a few hours, so it is recommended to drink it without going far from the source. Moreover, the higher the temperature of mineral water, the more calming effect it has.

Come to him for treatment

Karlovy Vary is a resort with traditions. Over the past six centuries since its founding, spa specialists have brought the system of health-improving recreation to perfection.

All vacationers are offered unique treatment and recovery programs focused on specific health problems, as well as on each patient individually.

Thermal mineral waters in Karlovy Vary are used in all forms: for drinking and bathing, in the form of inhalations, compresses, rinses, etc. In addition to the hydrotherapy itself, vacationers are invited to experience all the delights of modern balneotherapy: pearl, carbon dioxide, whirlpool and iodine baths; vertical and circular showers; mud therapy.

Relaxation on the waters is especially recommended for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, as well as for stress and chronic fatigue.

However, even a healthy person could benefit from spa treatment on the waters. We all live in bad conditions