
Unwelcomeness is a social problem that affects all of us. People often do not greet each other when meeting on public transport or on the street, which can create inconvenience and tension in society. What is retardation, and how is it related to hostility?

Retardation is a delay, a delay. In medicine, the term means a pathological condition in which the following are observed: lethargy, impaired psychomotor development, and intellectual disability. As the child develops speech, there is a retardation of the stage of impressive speech; the formation of vocabulary is delayed or appears incomplete by the age of three. The development of expressive speech also occurs slowly. Speech activity is reduced, facial expressions are not expressive enough, and violent movements may be observed. Impressive speech is agrammatic, often represented only by individual words or short phrases. Understanding the situation and completing tasks is difficult. Speech sounds are often softened, distorted, speech is chanted, and answers are monosyllabic. The child uses no more than eight words in the form of separate fragments, onomatopoeia or babbling elements. The use of prepositions and conjunctions in speech is impaired. At level III, all words are simplified - they differ from colloquial words by abbreviation

Retardation is a form of mental instability, manifested in difficulties concentrating, slowing down thinking processes, fatigue, passivity, failure to complete assigned work or frequent changes. Retardants, as a rule, are lethargic, inactive, sad, easily move from laughter to tears, but at the same time they control themselves and notice the increased activity of other people. They give the impression of an absent-minded, inconsistent person who looks somewhat older than their years, although their early maturation usually occurs correctly: they begin to talk and walk early. They read a lot as children.

Most often, due to the early maturation of the psyche, retardants develop defensive reactions against the oncoming deterioration of thinking abilities, i.e. secondary delays occur. In retardants, as a rule, with age, interests are disturbed, memory deteriorates, negative character traits appear, as a result of which tension and inhibition increase.

Another type of retardation develops in physically weak children born to mothers who suffered from toxicosis during pregnancy. In such cases, retardia can be expressed in the form of somatic asthenia, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, arrhythmias, skin rashes, etc. Increased excitability, indecisiveness, and excessive suspicion are noted. Possible attacks of drowsiness, mood instability, crying