Retinal Degeneration Pigmented Pericentral

Retinal pigment degeneration is one of the most common causes of visual impairment in older people. This defect can occur as a result of many factors, including heredity and age-related changes in the body. Today, there are many different treatments for this problem, depending on its severity and degree of development.

Pigment degeneration of the retina (PDR) is a very serious vision condition, especially in adulthood. Experts warn that degenerative processes in the retina lead to the appearance of cracks in it, which cause decreased vision. This health condition is called retinal pigment epithelial dystrophy or retinal pigmentary degeneration. It most often occurs in older people, but can occur later in middle-aged people. If the patient does not receive the necessary treatment, the condition can progress and lead to irreversible vision loss. Doctors note that in old age, the retinal pigment epithelium decreases its functions more slowly than in younger years, which complicates the diagnosis of changes. During this period of life, it is unlikely that any major changes can be detected.

*Retinal degeneration* is a disease that can lead to permanent loss of vision. The retina is the most sensitive area of ​​the eyeball and is responsible for vision. In case of retinal diseases, timely medical attention is necessary, since without proper treatment, complete blindness can occur. One such disease is pericentral retinal degeneration.

**What is peripheral retinal degeneration (PRDS)?** Peripheral retina is the part of the retina that is located peripherally