Retinoid (Retinoid)

Retinoid is a representative of a group of medicinal substances that include vitamin A. These substances have a drying effect on the skin, cause it to peel and help reduce sebum secretion. Retinoids are prescribed to patients for the treatment of acne, psoriasis, ichthyosis and other skin diseases.

Representatives of this group of drugs include, for example, isotretinoin and tretinoin. They can be used both internally and in the form of creams.

Possible side effects (they can be quite serious):

  1. Significant abnormalities in fetal development (if these medications are taken by women during pregnancy)
  2. Toxic effects on infants (when used by breastfeeding women)
  3. Liver and kidney damage
  4. Dry, red and itchy skin
  5. Muscle pain and stiffness

Retinoid drugs are an important group of drugs. These are vitamins A with antiseborrheic, antiseptic, dermatotropic and even antiproliferative properties. Their main therapeutic effect is the anti-inflammatory correction of sebum hypersecretion with improvement of the epidermal layer of the skin and reduction of the depth and size of acne lesions, areas of activity also include the treatment of contact dermatitis. Both retinoid drugs act by inhibiting the conversion of precalzoic acid to vitamin A, creating prolonged concentrations of prostaglandin E2 and reducing the proliferation of epidermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes

Retinoids have an antifollicular (anti-inflammatory effect) and antiandrogenic effect. The principle of action is to modulate aromatase receptors, increase the expression of the repressor gene PGLIP1, after which the level of androgens will decrease. Some studies suggest that acne patients taking retinoids may

Retinides (or retinoids) are one of the groups of vitamin substances that have a number of skin care properties. They contain vitamin A, which has an inflammatory effect on the skin, causing it to exfoliate and reduce sebum production. Retiniodes are used to treat various skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and ichthyosis. However, it is worth noting that they can have serious side effects if taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women. In addition, retinoids can damage the liver and kidneys, cause dryness and redness of the skin, itching, muscle pain and other unpleasant sensations. As a result, the physician must carefully evaluate all possible risks and determine the best treatment option for each patient.

Retinoids (from the Latin Retino - “yolk”) are substances whose main structural unit is vitamin A. These compounds have the properties of oils: they are easily and completely absorbed by the skin.

This gives rise to a number of features that usually distinguish retinoids from other cosmetics:

*Greasier consistency. *Have a drying effect. A slight tingling sensation may occur for some time after application. The skin calms down, becomes fresh and takes on a more youthful appearance. It takes several weeks for the epidermis to completely renew itself. Possible side effects include: the appearance of wounds and redness on the skin, peeling and dryness. Despite the possible discomfort, side effects are present in almost all cosmetic cosmetic chemicals and usually go away on their own. The main rule is not to skip or stop using medications. But before use, you should consult your doctor to avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

Retinoids contain vitamins: A, D, E, beta-carotene. Their main task is to improve and maintain the health of the skin. Therefore, side effects usually result from the wrong choice of care product or abuse of a course that involves applying it to the face every day almost without interruption. In some cases, this can lead to the start of the aging process ahead of time, but when you review your usual care, many negative manifestations disappear. And this does not happen quickly, although the skin becomes noticeably better after just a few days.

Retinols, or retinoids, are a class of physiologically active substances and vitamin-like compounds that take an active part in various processes of development, growth and regeneration of body tissues, including the skin. However, retinols are found