Retinol with dimexide peeling

The traditional way of using Dimexide is warming compresses. But the scope of its application is not limited to this. Due to its regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, the drug is actively used in the treatment of skin pathologies.

In cosmetology, masks with Dimexide for the face are especially popular. This is due to its ability to maximally moisturize and nourish the epidermis, as well as its rejuvenating effect.


Dimexide, in scientific terminology dimethyl sulfoxide, is a colorless liquid with a specific odor. In the medical field, it is known as a remedy endowed with the unique feature of quickly penetrating deep into the skin in its original form, providing an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and warming effect. It also tends to enhance the effect of other components; this effect is not always positive. However, with the right approach, it helps to increase the effectiveness of other cosmetic formulations.

The main purpose of face masks with Dimexide is to achieve a disinfecting effect. Similar procedures also lead to the following result:

  1. cleanse pores from excess accumulation of dirt and sebum;
  2. remove the keratinized surface layer of the epithelium;
  3. minimize inflammation;
  4. remove acne;
  5. promote healing;
  6. pull out purulent accumulations.

No less valuable is the rejuvenating effect, which is manifested in the following effects of the mask:

  1. wrinkles and other irregularities are smoothed out;
  2. the skin regains its tone and natural color;
  3. collagen production is stimulated;
  4. oxygen saturation of cells improves.

The procedure is indicated for women over 40 years old; it helps restore a healthy and rested appearance to the skin. Dimexide is suitable for any skin type, but has a particularly beneficial effect on oily skin. Can be used in the treatment of furunculosis and eczema, but only after consultation and prescription by a doctor.


Dimexide solution can cause an allergic reaction, so a test must be performed before use. To do this, apply a small amount to the inner area of ​​the elbow and wait a few minutes. The drug is contraindicated if the following side effects occur on the skin:

  1. itching and burning;
  2. redness;
  3. peeling.

It is prohibited to use Dimexide during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The product requires caution in use, as it has a powerful effect and can cause burns. Since Dimexide enhances the permeability of other substances, it cannot be combined with concentrated solutions and serums.

To the obvious contraindications include:

  1. individual intolerance to individual components in the composition;
  2. increased skin sensitivity;
  3. tendency to allergies;
  4. atherosclerosis;
  5. cataract;
  6. heart attack and stroke;
  7. glaucoma;
  8. kidney and liver pathologies;
  9. children up to 12 years of age.

These masks are not intended for everyday use. The solution is poisonous, and the slightest contact with the oral mucosa leads to severe intoxication.


Treatment of skin with the first signs of aging is carried out in courses, a maximum of a month, at intervals of 3–4 days. In the case of acne, masks and cauterization are done every other day; for prevention, once a month is sufficient.

Basic rules for using Dimexide in cosmetology:

  1. It is unacceptable to use the product in its pure form, even for local cauterization;
  2. Do not mix it with oil formulations;
  3. the maximum procedure time is 30 minutes;
  4. It is recommended to steam the skin before applying the composition;
  5. Avoid the area around the eyes;
  6. it is required to dilute Dimexide with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:10.

After removing the mask, be sure to wash it with warm water and soap. When used correctly, the effect of Dimexide is similar to Botox injections.


The maximum positive result can be achieved through cauterization. To do this, the solution is first diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. Soak cotton swabs in it and apply locally to problem areas. You can dilute the product in a ratio of 1:10 and use the resulting product instead of tonic, wiping your face completely.

Effective ways to get rid of acne at home are presented in the table:

Recipe Mode of application Effect
Dilute the concentrate (5 ml) in boiled water (50 ml), shake thoroughly The mixture is applied to the skin with a cotton pad, and zinc ointment is applied as a second layer. Leave for 15 minutes, then remove the residue with a dry cloth and wash thoroughly. Carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week Zinc ointment in combination with Dimexide has a disinfecting, cleansing and antiseptic effect, without drying the skin
Prepare a solution in a 1:5 ratio with water. Then add 3 drops of tea tree oil Apply for 15 minutes, rinse and lubricate the face with any moisturizer The product burns and dries out pimples, draws out pus, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
Dilute 50 ml of dimethyl sulfoxide with 20 tablets of doxycycline. This mash is left to sit for about a day, shaking occasionally. Before application, dilute with clean water, with a volume of at least 150 ml. Wipe the skin surface three times a day for about 3 weeks, followed by a break of 1 month. After each procedure, apply a moisturizer The composition relieves inflammation, heals, smoothes out unevenness
Mix sea buckthorn oil with the base preparation in equal proportions. Heated in a water bath Apply the product pointwise to inflamed areas. After an hour, remove it with a damp disc. The product has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties

Masks with Dimexide can cope with wrinkles even at an advanced stage. A set of procedures using vitamins, natural oils and medications will help with this. It is important to adhere to precise dosages and not use pure concentrate.

The simplest option is to dilute Dimexide in water using standard technology (1:5). The composition is lubricated on the face, previously cleaned of makeup and steamed. After 20 minutes, wash off the product with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

High rates were observed when the base drug was combined with Solcoseryl, in the form of a gel or ointment. This combination significantly enhances the penetrating ability of the gel, which leads to an acceleration of the metabolic process in epidermal cells and improved oxygen absorption.



  1. 1. Prepare a solution of Dimexide at the rate of 5 ml per 50 ml of water.
  2. 2. Apply the liquid to cleansed and steamed skin. Avoid the area around the eyes.
  3. 3. A uniform layer of Solcoseryl is generously applied on top. It is recommended to give preference to ointment, as the gel is very drying.
  4. 4. Keep the mask for no more than 20 minutes, periodically moistening it with water to prevent complete drying.
  5. 5. After the prescribed period, remove the residue with a damp cloth and lubricate the skin with hypoallergenic cream.

It is permissible to conduct no more than 10 sessions per month, no more than once every 3 days.

Already after two months of treatment, visible transformations are observed. However, this product should not be abused; it will lead to the opposite effect: chemical burns, irritation, and increased peeling. At the end of the course they take a break of 6 months. For women with initial signs of aging, one course per year is enough.

Another effective mask is suitable for sagging and wrinkled skin. It is prepared and applied as follows:

  1. 1. Connect 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil and the same amount of diluted Dimexide, 2 tbsp. spoons of blue clay.
  2. 2. Apply the mixture to a clean face in an even layer.
  3. 3. Wash with soap after 30 minutes.
  4. 4. Wipe the skin with tonic to remove the yellowish coating that has formed.

Often this composition should not be used, it will lead to yellowing of the skin. 2 times a month is enough.

Often, a fine network of wrinkles and tightness appear as a result of a lack of vitamins and microelements. To nourish the epithelium, use the following mask recipe:

  1. 1. The face is steamed and a light peeling is done to remove the stratum corneum.
  2. 2. Dimexide, in the amount of 1 teaspoon, is combined with vitamins A and E, taken 0.5 teaspoon each.
  3. 3. Mix with a tablespoon of fat sour cream and white clay in the same quantity. You get a mass of thin consistency.
  4. 4. Apply the resulting mixture to the surface of the skin for 30–40 minutes.
  5. 5. After this, wash with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

The course of treatment involves 10–15 procedures every 3 days.

Since vitamins A and E are combined with each other, they can be used in combination. This cannot be said about other vitamins.

For oily and combination skin types, instead of vitamins, add coconut oil to the composition in the amount of 4-5 drops. To moisturize after any masks with a medicinal product, natural honey, fermented milk products, and natural vegetable oils are used.

According to reviews from cosmetologists, only Dimexide is able to penetrate deeply into all levels of the dermis. Therefore, without it it is impossible to achieve maximum healing and rejuvenating effect. Along with this, there is cleansing, removal of toxins and treatment of underlying inflammations, which a person is sometimes unaware of.

Peeling with Dimexide is appreciated by clients of cosmetology clinics and beauty salons for its accessibility, low cost of sessions and rejuvenating effect after only 3 exfoliation procedures. Chemical peels, to which the drug is added, belong to the superficial and medium types. They work maximum at the level of the granular layer of the dermis, but the effect is sometimes superior to botulinum toxin injections, thread reinforcement and even laser lifting. Dimexide peels quickly smooth out wrinkles and remove age-related pigmentation. This exfoliation is a recognized remedy for aging skin. What is unique about peeling with the addition of Dimexide - we will explain further.

Cosmetic benefits of Dimexide for skin

Dimeside in solution or gel is classified as a conditionally cosmetic preparation. The scope of the drug is quite wide: it is used in many areas of medicine as a proven anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent. Orthopedists and surgeons prescribe Dimexide for joint pain, arthritis, arthrosis, injuries and dislocations; dermatologists value the drug for its effectiveness in healing ulcers, wounds and reducing inflammatory manifestations. Cosmetologists often resort to the external use of Dimexide solution as part of peelings, especially when it is necessary to achieve noticeable rejuvenation and a quick lifting effect on aging facial skin.


Dimethyl sulfoxide has become known as an affordable and popular anti-wrinkle remedy due to its unique properties:

  1. the drug is able to relieve inflammation in a short time;
  2. the components of the product create a barrier to the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the skin and block their development;
  3. the drug stimulates blood flow;
  4. The active ingredients in the medicine accelerate metabolic processes in tissues and transport nutrients to cells.

In cosmetology, Dimexide is used in combination with other effective peeling agents, for example, retinol. An aqueous solution of the drug is applied to the facial skin at the beginning of the exfoliation procedure. The molecules of the product improve blood supply to tissues and prepare them to accept other peeling compounds. Dimeskid acts as a fast transporter of beneficial microelements directly into the dermis, which determines its rejuvenating properties.

Cosmetologists consider peelings with Dimeskid to be an affordable alternative to botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid injections, tissue reinforcement, and sometimes surgical facelifts. Properly performed Dimexide exfoliation will help a woman visually lose a couple of years: skin folds will smooth out, dull color will be replaced by rosy cheeks. Dimethyl sulfoxide in peeling compositions is also capable of correcting facial contours, providing a noticeable and quick lifting effect.

Like any drug, and initially Dimexide is such, it has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account before peeling:

  1. pathological disorders in the liver;
  2. renal failure;
  3. cardiovascular diseases, especially aggravated by heart attack or stroke;
  4. predisposition of the skin to the formation of deep scars;
  5. pregnancy and lactation;
  6. increased intraocular pressure;
  7. clouding of the lens of the eye, blurred vision.

If you decide to peel using Dimexide as an activator of other substances, make sure that there are no contraindications - any of them will be a good reason for refusing the procedure.


When using the exfoliation drug yourself, pay attention to the safety rules when working with the drug:

  1. Dimexide is recommended for external use only. The drug should not be tasted, much less consumed orally. Otherwise, you can get severe poisoning. Try to keep bottles or tubes with Dimexide out of the reach of children and animals;
  2. Dimexide in anti-aging peeling products is used only in the form of a solution. At the pharmacy you can purchase bottles of liquid of 50 and 10 ml;
  3. Dimexide can be applied to the skin of the face both in pure form and as part of peeling products only with rubber gloves;
  4. Before use, Dimexide must be diluted with plain water in a ratio of 1:10. The concentrated drug causes severe chemical burns;
  5. Not everyone can withstand the smell of Dimexide: the persistent garlic aroma during the exfoliation procedure makes it far from pleasant;
  6. It is recommended to repeat exfoliation with Dimexide every 2-3 days for a month. Then you need to take a break from beauty treatments, also for a month, and give the skin the opportunity to recover;
  7. The first results of peeling with Dimexide become noticeable at the 3rd or 4th rejuvenation session.

Companions of Dimexide in peeling

Chemical peeling based on Dimexide is only gaining momentum and is gaining fans among lovers of superficial and medium exfoliation. Due to the fact that the drug has an antiseptic effect on the skin and frees pores from impurities, helping beneficial microelements to easily penetrate the cells of the epidermis, the benefits of formulations with Dimexide can hardly be overestimated. The medicine helps to forget about such dermatological problems and appearance defects as:

  1. acne;
  2. inflammatory redness on the face;
  3. boils;
  4. pustules;
  5. comedones;
  6. eczema;
  7. looseness and bumpiness of the skin;
  8. facial and age folds;
  9. long-term non-healing wounds, microcracks and abrasions.

Despite the fact that peeling using Dimexide is allowed for any type of skin, such exfoliation will be most effective in the case of combination or oily skin. On dry skin, dimexide cleansing is used with caution so as not to provoke even greater drying of the skin.


Whatever the subsequent peeling with Dimexide, make sure there is no allergic reaction to the drug. An allergy test is carried out on the eve of the exfoliation procedure; for this, a drop of the solution is applied to the inner bend of the elbow or under the knee. If the product does not cause redness, burning or itching within a quarter of an hour, the drug is suitable for you.

Since Dimexide is a conductor of micronutrients into the deep layers of the epidermis, the simplest and easiest way to use the drug is to apply it to the skin before conventional creams, serums or masks. After such preparation, the active components of care products will quickly penetrate the skin and be absorbed. To do this, the drug solution is diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1:10 (for example, 1 ml of product per 10 ml of water), and the resulting liquid is wiped on the face.

According to the same scheme, Dimexide is used before the famous retinoic peeling. This procedure is one of the most popular salon exfoliations. Yellow peeling, which was preceded by treatment of the skin with Dimexide, allows you to permanently get rid of hyperpigmentation, a network of wrinkles, the effects of acne and even deep scars (the drug allows retinol to penetrate deeper into dense scar tissue).

Retinol peeling with Dimexide is applied to the skin for at least 8 hours - the patient washes off the cosmetic composition at home. At the end of the peeling procedure, a moisturizing balm or nourishing cream is applied to the face. The course of retinoic peeling with Dimexide consists of 4-5 senses, once a month.

Retinoic peeling with Dimexide is strictly prohibited for use at home. The procedure is carried out only with professional cosmetic compositions under the supervision of an experienced specialist in a beauty salon.

Preparing peelings with Dimexide at home

Dimexide is suitable for use as part of home peelings. You can add the drug to natural exfoliation products yourself, the main thing is to first dilute it with water and not allow the concentration to be exceeded.

Anti-aging peeling with Dimexide and kaolin


  1. aqueous solution of Dimexide;
  2. 1 tbsp. sour cream with a fat content of at least 25%;
  3. 1 tbsp. kaolin powder;
  4. 1 capsule of vitamin E.
  1. Dilute Dimexide with boiled water in a ratio of 1 ml. drug per 10 ml. water;
  2. add sour cream, white clay powder, and the contents of the vitamin capsule to the resulting liquid;
  3. mix the components of the peeling product;
  4. apply the composition to previously cleansed facial skin;
  5. leave the mixture to act for 20-30 minutes;
  6. rinse off the peeling with warm water;
  7. moisturize the skin with cream.

Dimexide peeling with Solcoseryl against wrinkles


  1. aqueous solution of Dimexide;
  2. Solcoseryl ointment or gel.
  1. do make-up removal;
  2. Gently wipe your face with Dimexide diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10;
  3. Apply a thin layer of Solcoseryl on the face;
  4. leave peeling for at least an hour;
  5. wash with warm water;
  6. moisturize the skin with nourishing cream.

For a noticeable rejuvenating effect, this peeling is performed before bed.

Peeling with Dimexide and Erythromycin for acne


  1. aqueous solution of Dimexide;
  2. 2 tablets of Erythromycin.
  1. dilute Dimexide solution with clean water in a ratio of 1 tsp. Dimexide per 10-15 tbsp. water;
  2. dissolve Erythromycin tablets in the resulting liquid;
  3. Wipe facial skin with peeling agent daily for 3-4 days.

In cosmetology there are still no ready-made chemical products that can replace compound peelings based on Dimexide. The benefits of regular use of the drug for express rejuvenation of aging skin are several times greater than the cost of the drug at the pharmacy. On average, a bottle of Dimexide solution costs about 150-200 rubles, and one salon chemical peeling procedure based on it costs about 1500-2000 rubles.

Compared to the cost of Botox injections, thread reinforcement or surgical lifting, this amount is at least 1.5 times lower. The benefits of using Dimexide are obvious, and the benefits are calculable. However, you need to use the drug yourself with caution, performing only superficial peels at home strictly according to the instructions.

Almost everyone wants to delay the appearance of the first signs of aging for a longer period. The cosmetic arsenal of the average woman is full of special devices, preparations, care products, etc. And then there are various things that were originally intended for completely different purposes. Such, for example, as the Dimexide solution used in medicine.

Poisonous medicine

Dimexide (Dimethyl sulfoxide, Dimexidum, Dimethylsulfoxide) is a poison. Therefore, even for its intended purpose - in medicine - it is used exclusively externally in the form of aqueous solutions (in concentrations of 1:1, 1:3, 1:5 and 1:10) or corresponding gels. For sensitive areas of the skin (for example, facial skin), it is permissible to use only an aqueous solution with a concentration of the active substance no higher than 1:3 (one part Dimexide to three parts water).

Dimexide is a slightly yellowish oily liquid with a faint odor reminiscent of garlic (the chemically pure drug is colorless and almost odorless). The full name of the substance is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), it was synthesized in 1866 by A.M. Zaitsev, a student of the great chemist A.M. Butlerov.

Folk Aibolit “Dimexide - detailed description and use at home”

Traditional uses of Dimexide: arthritis, eczema, swelling, burns

The scope of application of the drug is very wide, but not directly related to cosmetology. It is used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drug for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoarthritis, sprains, etc.), for inflammatory edema, for the healing of purulent wounds and burns, for the treatment of eczema and pustular skin diseases.

This diverse use of Dimexide in medicine is due to the fact that it can have different effects:

  1. pronounced local anesthetic;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. antimicrobial (antiseptic).

This drug has the ability to change the sensitivity of microflora resistant to antibiotics.

Contraindications and side effects

Dimexide, due to its high toxicity, has a whole bunch of contraindications and side effects.

Table: contraindications for use and side effects

Contraindications to the use of Dimexide Side effects of Dimexide
  1. severe cardiovascular failure;
  2. atherosclerosis;
  3. angina pectoris;
  4. impaired renal and liver function;
  5. pregnancy;
  6. lactation;
  7. glaucoma;
  8. cataract.
  1. erythema (abnormal redness of the skin that occurs in situations
    when blood in excess flows to the capillary vessels);
  2. itching;
  3. dizziness;
  4. insomnia;
  5. adynamia (sharp loss of strength, muscle weakness, accompanied by
    significant decrease or complete cessation of physical activity);
  6. dermatitis;
  7. nausea, vomiting;
  8. bronchospasm.

In addition, it is prescribed with extreme caution to elderly people and children under twelve years of age.

Considering that the drug was originally intended for purely medical purposes, it is not very clear why and why women who are cautious by nature use it to preserve youth and beauty. This is due to the fact that Dimexide has another absolutely wonderful side effect: it helps smooth out wrinkles.

Why Dimexide got into cosmetology

Whatever causes the formation of wrinkles (vigorous facial expressions, the influence of natural factors, age, etc.), their appearance is always associated with the destruction of two essential components of the skin: elastin and collagen. It is these substances, intertwined into a dense mesh, that form a supporting “mattress” for the upper layers of the skin and ensure its elasticity due to the ability of collagen fibers to absorb and retain moisture. When the content of elastin and collagen in the skin decreases, and the collagen fibers harden and cease to accumulate moisture in the required quantities, wrinkles appear.


There are two ways to smooth out the skin and return it to its former elasticity: either by stimulating the production of its own elastin and collagen, or by filling the voids that have arisen due to a decrease in their quantity with a suitable cosmetic material.

For those who follow the first path, Dimexide helps to accelerate the regeneration processes in the skin and activate the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

Properties of the concentrate

  1. quickly penetrates biological membranes, including skin and mucous membranes;
  2. increases their permeability to other drugs;
  3. It is usually used in combination with other medicinal substances for better and deeper penetration into tissues.

Some clinicians call the use of Dimexide in combination with other medicinal substances “needle-free injection”, since it enhances transport through biological tissues tenfold.

MedUniver Pharmacology

So, although Dimexide itself is not a means for preventing or smoothing wrinkles, its “conductor” abilities are very useful: when mixed with active anti-aging components, it helps them better penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and increases the effectiveness of the effect.

We use the drug at home

To have a pronounced effect on wrinkles or help prevent them, Dimexide should be used in combination with active substances that can accelerate metabolic processes in the skin and stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

Dimexide with care cream

The easiest way, of course, is to combine the drug solution with your favorite anti-aging face cream. To do this you need:

  1. Prepare an aqueous solution of Dimexide: dilute the drug in boiled water at room temperature. For the first time, it is recommended to use its weakest concentration of 1:10 (one part of Dimexide to ten parts of water).
  2. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution and wipe the previously cleansed facial skin in problem areas.
  3. Apply anti-aging cream or serum to your face.

For dry facial skin, using Dimexide in concentrations higher than 1:10 can cause a burn; for oily skin (if well tolerated), it is possible to use a solution with a concentration of 1:5 or even 1:3.

Recipe for opponents of anti-aging cosmetics

If you do not use anti-aging products, you can prepare a simple two-component composition that is useful for aging skin:

  1. To one teaspoon of the prepared Dimexide solution, add one tablespoon of rose / lemon / tea tree / geranium / eucalyptus cosmetic oil.
  2. Apply the mixture to cleansed face and leave to absorb.
  3. After half an hour, remove the residue with a cotton swab and wash your face with warm water and soap.

Please note: to prepare such a composition, it is necessary to use cosmetic oil, which is a solution of the corresponding essential oil in a base oil. Applying pure, highly concentrated essential oil to the skin may cause burns (with rare exceptions).

Homemade mask recipes

Masks with Dimexide smooth out wrinkles, improve complexion, cleanse and rejuvenate the skin and effectively fight inflammation and rashes on it.

Anti-aging option with vitamin E and white clay

This is a great way to restore skin elasticity and smooth out fine wrinkles. To prepare the mask you need:

  1. Prepare a teaspoon of Dimexide solution, a tablespoon of fat sour cream, a tablespoon of white clay (you can buy it at the pharmacy) and half a teaspoon of liquid vitamin E (liquid vitamin E capsules are also sold at the pharmacy).
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to cleansed face.
  3. After 20 minutes, remove the mask, wash your face with warm water and soap and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin (depending on your skin type).

To achieve a sustainable result, a course of ten such procedures is recommended, repeated every ten to fourteen days.

A mask with Dimexide may cause redness of the skin, which will last for several hours. Therefore, it is better to make such a mask in the evening.


Against sagging skin and dull complexion

A simple mixture will help tighten the skin and refresh the complexion. Need to:

  1. Prepare a teaspoon of Dimexide solution and two tablespoons of liquid honey.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to cleansed face.
  3. After 20 minutes, wipe your face with a cloth and wash with warm water and soap.

This procedure can be used once a week, and for preventive purposes - once a month.

Rejuvenating and cleansing recipe

If you need to not only rejuvenate the skin, but also deeply cleanse it, you should use a simple but effective method:

  1. Prepare a teaspoon of Dimexide solution and two tablespoons of green clay (you can buy it at the pharmacy).
  2. Mix the ingredients and dilute the resulting mixture with a small amount of boiled water (to the consistency of sour cream).
  3. Apply the mask to a previously cleansed face.
  4. After 15 minutes, wash your face thoroughly with warm water and soap.

And finally, an option for the busiest: you can simply add a few drops of the prepared Dimexide solution to the cosmetic masks and creams that you usually use.

General recommendations for home use of Dimexide

No matter how you decide to use Dimexide (with cream, as part of a mask or mixed with cosmetic oil), you should follow the basic rules that will help you get benefit and pleasure from the process:

  1. to avoid burns, prepare Dimexide solution from its concentrate while wearing rubber gloves;
  2. Use boiled water or distilled water purchased at a pharmacy to prepare the solution;
  3. Before starting any procedure, thoroughly cleanse your face of cosmetics and any contaminants;
  4. Wash your face with warm water and soap to remove any remaining product.

In a beauty salon: retinoic (“yellow”) peeling

There is at least one more interesting possibility of using Dimexide in cosmetology: it is used in the procedure of superficial and medium chemical peeling. However, it is not recommended to carry out this procedure at home. But in-salon retinoic peeling with Dimexide is an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation, and its result is usually visible after the third procedure: a properly carried out peeling allows you to visually lose several years and provides a pronounced lifting effect. In addition, it relieves inflammatory processes in the skin and deeply cleanses pores.

Dimexide plays its usual role in this procedure: it transports retinoids - synthetic analogues of vitamin A - into the skin. Such substances can stimulate metabolic and regenerative processes in tissues at the intercellular level. Therefore, “yellow” peeling is indicated for:

  1. rashes accompanied by severe inflammation, as well as acne;
  2. mimic and deep age wrinkles;
  3. disruption of collagen synthesis in skin cells;
  4. pigmentation of the facial skin due to exposure to direct sunlight;
  5. loss of firmness, softness and elasticity of the skin;
  6. dehydration and dryness of the face;
  7. loss of a healthy glow and darkening of the skin, as well as other pathological changes caused by natural aging processes.

The retinoic peel procedure is the process of applying a mask of a retinoid (such as Retinol or retinoic acid) to a specially prepared face. The mask remains on the face for eight to twelve hours (depending on the active substance used), and then is neutralized with a mixture of soda and water. The drug is applied in the salon and removed at home, following the instructions of the cosmetologist.

The recovery period after peeling is approximately a week. During this time, severe peeling and redness of the skin persists.


Typically, a rejuvenating peeling course consists of 3 to 5 procedures, performed every three weeks, and it is recommended to repeat it no earlier than six months later.


I’ve never heard of Dimexide helping against wrinkles, so I was very surprised when I heard about such a remedy. I had already tried a lot of things for wrinkles, so I decided that maybe this medicine would help me. In general, after a week of using Dimexide, I am more than pleased with the result (although I am still surprised how medicine for wounds helps against wrinkles). I was also amazed that Dimexide did not cause me itching, even though I am prone to allergies. The only downside to this product is its terrible smell.


I prepare oil masks with Dimexide. I add the solution to the prepared night gel. Quickly removes signs of fatigue and smoothes out wrinkles.

Elena, 47 years old

I want to dispel the myth that Dimexide can be used on the face for wrinkles. I tried this product on my skin and I can say that it does not work at all! Moreover, already on the third day of such rejuvenation, my skin began to itch very much and literally dry out, and the top layer of the epidermis peeled off like after a burn! It was just terrible. I felt like a molting snake shedding its skin. In general, I gave myself a full-fledged burn. I will never repeat such mockery of myself again in my life, which I advise everyone to do.


Dimexide helps those who suffer from arthritis, reducing the manifestations of joint diseases. There is another form of release of the drug - liquid in bottles of 50 and 100 ml. It is mainly used to heal wounds, ulcers, and various inflammations. I recommend it only for its intended purpose, although colleagues advise women to try it as a remedy for wrinkles. Good luck!

Irina Valerievna (cosmetologist)

The drug very often causes contact dermatitis. So be careful.

Natalya Romanovna (specialist cosmetologist)

Advantages and disadvantages

Objectively, the use of Dimexide in cosmetology has both pros and cons. The advantages include the fact that the drug:

  1. helps the substances used with it penetrate deeper into the tissues;
  2. provides effective stimulation of metabolic and regenerative processes in the skin and prolongation of its youth;
  3. successfully fights skin rashes and inflammations, helps heal microcracks;
  4. It is sold in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription and is quite inexpensive: from 32 rubles (for 100 ml of 99% concentrate for solutions) to 158 rubles (for 30 ml of 25% gel).

At the same time, Dimexide:

  1. is not a means for skin rejuvenation, but simply makes the use of such products more effective (or not if the partner component is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin without the help of a “conductor”);
  2. highly toxic and can cause allergic reactions and side effects;
  3. has an extensive list of contraindications that should be taken seriously;
  4. interacts with other medications, enhancing the effect of ethanol (alcohol inhibits the elimination of the drug) and insulin (with long-term use of the drug, the dose of insulin is reduced), acetylsalicylic acid, butadione, digitalis preparations, quinidine, nitroglycerin, antibiotics (Streptomycin, Monomycin, etc.), which, of course, also needs to be taken into account when using it;
  5. may cause garlicky breath.

What you need to remember when working with Dimexide

If you decide to use Dimexide for cosmetic purposes, you will need to constantly remember that this is a dangerous substance and follow several important rules:

  1. Keep the drug out of the reach of children.
  2. Never use the concentrate undiluted.
  3. Use only an aqueous solution of Dimexide at a concentration of 1:3, 1:5, 1:10.
  4. Do not allow the substance or its solution to get inside or onto mucous membranes.
  5. Before using the product, consult a cosmetologist-dermatologist.
  6. Before using the anti-wrinkle drug, test its tolerance: apply a little solution to the skin of your hand in the bend of the elbow; If redness and itching do not appear within 24 hours, you can use Dimexide solution for the face.
  7. If you experience a burning sensation on the skin, wash off the drug immediately.

So, Dimexide is not capable of eliminating the first signs of aging on its own. But if you use it in combination with active anti-aging ingredients, the results may pleasantly surprise you. So be careful and attentive with the drug, and Dimexide will help you prolong your youth and preserve your beauty for a long time.