SOS procedure before the beach: massage

Title: Sos procedure before the beach: massage

Anti-cellulite massage and lymphatic drainage are one of the most popular summer self-care procedures. The features of these procedures, as well as how to choose a specialist, will be discussed in our material.

Showing off well-groomed legs is a pleasure, which is why massage therapists have no end to their clients in the summer. Tighten the skin, remove the appearance of cellulite, normalize weight - all this can be achieved with the help of procedures such as anti-cellulite massage and lymphatic drainage.

Beauty salons offer a wide range of services to get rid of cellulite. But it’s better to start with lymphatic drainage massage. In combination with anti-cellulite massage, it gives the best effect. Lymphatic drainage helps cleanse the body and improve lymphatic drainage. And this, in turn, increases the effectiveness of all subsequent anti-cellulite procedures.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage massage improves the movement of lymph, thereby eliminating aesthetic skin defects. There are two types of lymphatic drainage massage: manual and hardware. Beauty salons will offer you a fairly large list of anti-cellulite programs. However, the most effective is considered to be a combination of manual and hardware types of massage.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage should only be performed by a qualified professional. In the first procedures, the massage begins with stimulation of the superficial lymphatic system, but gradually the depth of impact will increase. To enhance the effect of manual lymphatic drainage massage, special cosmetic masks and oils are often additionally used.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage is a hardware procedure that is carried out using vacuum, low-frequency current pulses, ultrasound and pressure changes.

Beauty salons offer the following procedures:

Vacuum lymphatic drainage is a procedure in which, using a special apparatus, air is pumped and suctioned onto a certain area of ​​the skin.

Pressotherapy - during this procedure, special cuffs are put on the legs, hips, waist and arms, and air is pumped into them using a compressor. Next, a wave-like compression of the soft tissues of the skin occurs, resulting in the activation of blood and lymph outflow.

Microcurrent lymphatic drainage is a gentle type of massage using low-frequency current pulses.

Endermology is the most effective method of lymphatic drainage, which uses a vacuum apparatus. This technique starts the processes of skin regeneration and rejuvenation, and also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The endermology procedure is effective for any stage of cellulite.

For tangible results, you need to complete a course of 6 to 10 sessions.

Top 4 myths about fighting cellulite

Anticellulite massage

This type of massage can also be manual or hardware. The main goal of these types of massage is to get rid of the so-called orange peel. The methods for achieving a positive effect are slightly different: hardware massage is carried out using a special device. All kinds of preparations (cream, gel, oil, etc.) are used to help the massage therapist who performs manual massage.

In both hardware massage and manual massage, you can adjust the pressure and depth. Only if the massage therapist feels with his hands how hard he can press and can change the pressure throughout the massage, the machine clearly carries out only the given program.

Another plus of manual massage is that, unlike hardware massage, it has no additional contraindications. The latter cannot be performed with weak capillaries, when there are rosacea and spider veins on the legs. In this case, only soft massage techniques or cold wraps are suitable.

However, the effectiveness of manual massage depends on the professionalism of the massage therapist, and it is not always possible to choose a good master.

What you need to know when choosing a massage therapist

The choice of a massage therapist is determined not only by the professionalism and experience of the massage therapist, but also by the cost