Retinol palmitate reviews for acne



Act 3. Serious. Take hundreds of tests and you will be treated with roaccutane/retinol/vitamin A in general

I approached such an exciting event in life as a wedding with the proper amount of indifference, transferring all worries onto the shoulders of mom and dad, except for choosing a dress. Therefore, it would hardly be possible to attribute the sudden dense inflammation to wedding jitters.

This thing occupied my cheek, swollen, reddened and did not want to be painted over with any foundation. The most interesting thing is that she didn’t even want to go through with it - days passed, then weeks, and after the wedding the count began to go on for months, and she was still with me (the wedding photo had to be photoshopped :). I didn't like it at all.

I again consulted with Sveta (“Doctors, tests!”), scoured the forums (“TsNIKVI, good doctor”) and went for treatment. A careless phrase from my new husband about my pimples played a significant role.

The CNICVI was extremely crowded and I had to wait in line for a long time - I wasn’t the only one who came here for salvation from various kinds of problems. My doctor (Rygzynova), about whom I read pleasant reviews on the Internet, carefully examined my skin, asked a thousand questions and frowned deeply at my months-long pimple. So he somehow immediately changed her attitude (later I read that even the presence of one such thing indicates moderate or severe acne) - as a result, I received a referral for a bunch of tests and prescriptions to the pharmacy, as well as a piece of paper for signature, where you had to assure the doctor that you understood everything about the problems of retinol treatment. If retinol does not help, I was promised Roaccutane as the most effective, albeit even more harmful, remedy than retinol in oil.

In addition to retinol, liver-supporting medications and various external pharmaceutical creams were prescribed (they were constantly changed later), as well as cleansing before starting treatment and light peelings (I never did them, however).

What is the best vitamin A to use in the treatment of acne? When I published a good post on from Sveta on the topic of proper use of Roaccutane in the treatment of acne. Here he is. Brief excerpts:

  1. retinoids (forms of vitamin A) are practically the only remedy that is 100% clinically effective in the treatment of acne;
  2. in Europe it is used even for mild forms (comedones), in our country it is prescribed only in severe cases;
  3. this drug causes dysfunction of the kidneys and liver (therefore, monthly tests are required for control);
  4. Pregnancy while taking it is unacceptable! (therefore, a competent doctor will prescribe a pregnancy test for you before you start taking it; you can get pregnant no earlier than 2 months after you finish taking it)
  5. When taking retinoids, it is necessary to strongly protect the skin from the sun, as the skin becomes more sensitive.

What will our analysis show us?

I took hormone tests in 2 sessions - there were so many of them. But the result was unclear. One of the hormones was close to the edge of normal. Since at that moment I was ready to move mountains in the matter of curing myself from acne, with these results I went to a gynecologist through insurance. However, I was not welcomed there with open arms.

  1. Firstly, it was announced to me that everything was fine with me, judging by the examination.
  2. Secondly, that the tests could have been taken incorrectly, that they should all be taken at different phases of the cycle, and not just one, and in general - who did them? (I don’t know why TsNIKVI is bad as a place for testing).
  3. And thirdly, close to the edge of the norm is not exceeding it, but only “close to the edge.” And in general, “what do you want, girl, get out of here.”

Some doctors just dream of treating us, right? )

It was interesting to later hear from the treating dermatologist that this was “seriously exceeding the norm” and not “close to the edge”.

Not everything is so clear in our state

True, there were also side effects.

  1. My skin dried out to such an extent that there were no more acne on it - the dermatologist, worried, lowered my dose of retinol after the next appointment. Various pharmaceutical ointments as prescribed by the doctor also helped the skin survive.
  2. When I woke up in the morning, my dry lips would crack until they bled when I tried to open my mouth. By the way, pharmaceutical cosmetics saved my lips again - it helped a lot cold cream stick from Avene.

  3. retinola-palmitat-otzyvy-ot-Yunzj.webp

    The scalp was itchy and flaky. I changed my shampoo.
  4. Dryness in the nose is through the roof.

All these troubles went away by about the third month of treatment.

But our laziness is invincible

Unfortunately, I started receiving my new education about six months after the start of treatment and I no longer had time to go to the dermatologist once a month and get tested. Therefore, I once again showed my universal laziness and stopped treatment on my own. I don't know how much longer I would have to take retinol, but I think about a couple of months. It is also interesting at what point the dermatologist would decide that treatment can already be stopped.

1. If there are medical problems, they need to be identified and treated. It’s only our laziness that kills everything in us (and I’m such a shining example - after all, no one stopped me from going to another doctor and getting more tests).

2. If you already feel despair, go to the doctor. To a normal good dermatologist. If you don’t like one, go to another. You have a choice, don’t forget - and score because you didn’t find a common language with the doctor. Ask your friends. I recommended my doctor to three girls I knew - and all three also went to see her.

3. Retinol is the only treatment that produced results on the face. Not only did I stop suffering from clogged pores and inflammation, I even lost the shine in my T-zone. At all. And the skin clearly needed more hydration - after stopping pharmaceutical ointments, I smeared it with beautiful Creme Extreme Maintenance by Dr Sebagh.


4. My good result lasted for about a year. It was noticeable how the skin turned from dry to normal (it took 2 months), then remained at this level for a long time, slowly sliding back to its usual oiliness. After about 9 months, the shine appeared again and I again started looking for powder that would remove it. A year later, my pores and my inflammation were with me again, albeit in a mild form. Thank God, there is no major inflammation so far.

However, I'm satisfied. I returned to drugstore cosmetics again, but only in terms of cleansers - I wouldn’t trade Bioderma’s Sebium cleansing or gumming gel for anything. I'm experimenting with creams.

Forum members, tell me, has anyone been treated with this drug? were there any side effects? what happened after the cancellation?
I will need to take 30 drops (keratosis pilaris + acne), I’m kind of scared to start. experts

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Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

So this is vitamin A?))

Well, yes, vitamin A, but it’s not aevit, but there’s still such a liquid)

buy revit, it's there

Well, yes, vitamin A, but it’s not aevit, but there’s still such a liquid)

and it’s doubtful that it will help with acne, it’s better to buy Differin, it contains retinoic acid

A couple of grated carrots with vegetable oil can completely replace retinol. This is indeed vitamin A, but there is debate about the benefits of artificial vitamins, and no one has anything against carrots.
With such problems, I would go to a good classical homeopath, and not to a dermatologist, because it is not the skin that needs to be treated, but the whole body.

Why are you afraid to take vitamins?
In case of an overdose, dry mouth, peeling of lips, etc. will begin; if this begins, stop taking it.

I DRINKED FOR A LONG TIME (more than six months). Appointed by a dermatologist in Olkhovka. the problems were the same as the author's. At first it helped a lot, literally in the very first days of taking it (I drank 1.5 cubes, in my opinion). and then the body got used to it, it almost stopped helping (retinol). But when I quit completely, and just came back from the sea, that’s when my skin took its toll on me))) for two months I walked around like a teenager, covered in acne. Well, in the end I returned to the state it was before the “treatment” of this.
Now I am being observed, but in a different clinic with a different approach to the problem. I had tests and then treatment.
about CARROTS - the holy truth. eat a carrot salad with sour cream, I also add honey there, the carrots give juice, it turns out great. or carrot juice with cream or with fatty foods. result in a few hours.

Well, that is, acne, of course, will not immediately disappear from carrots, but the skin will dry out, inflammation will decrease (not much, but it will decrease).

Katya, what are you being treated with now?

the main thing is antibiotics (internally first, now externally gel and ointment), hormones (I take them according to their instructions), diet, procedures and specials. cosmetics. that is, of course, several different doctors prescribed it (this is a small women’s clinic in Moscow), according to the tests, everything is serious. I myself have been thinking about something for a long time, trying it, the result is not very good, I didn’t know it yet either, so I just relaxed and do everything as they say, I walk, I follow it. the result is normal, even good. but I’m thinking, if hormones and antibiotics are cancelled, what will happen with naked care and diet then? Don't know. Always applying antibiotics and taking hormones is clearly not great. In short, I stupidly do as they say, I can’t think of anything better myself.

I’m now taking retinol palmitate for acne, before that I took a course (14 days) of an antibiotic - Unidox Salutab, it eliminated almost all the inflammation.. The doctor said that retinoids help with acne, and I turned to the most experienced doctor in our area. He said that they prescribed palmitate to me correctly because I did not have an advanced case (although I had acne on both cheeks), and there is also rautan or raukan, sorry I don’t remember, it is prescribed to those who have abscesses of a centimeter and they go away.. the doctor said it experience... I bought it for what I sold it for. So far I’m inclined to think that the antibiotic has removed almost all the inflammation, but the fact that I’ve been drinking palmitate for a month now... well, I don’t know. We'll see. I’m not a dermatologist, so I’m inclined to believe them, because there is no way out))

The only problem is that I squeeze these pimples and thereby spread them across the skin. for this I needed an antibiotic to remove the internal microbe and so that new inflammations would not appear for me to pick at))

Yes, it’s still strange that there are only tablets for everything. Unidox salutab. I took them for gynecology, and here it even helps with pimples.
I’ll also start drinking retinol soon: only the doctor said that we need to exclude alcohol, ultraviolet radiation, skin injuries and together with them he prescribed Karsil (this is so that the liver works normally, together with retinol) we’ll undergo treatment and see what happens)))) the most important thing is not to touch face and don’t press anything, then it will do the trick)))

I DRINKED FOR A LONG TIME (more than six months). Appointed by a dermatologist in Olkhovka. the problems were the same as the author's. At first it helped a lot, literally in the very first days of taking it (I drank 1.5 cubes, in my opinion). and then the body got used to it, it almost stopped helping (retinol). But when I quit completely, and just came back from the sea, that’s when my skin took its toll on me))) for two months I walked around like a teenager, covered in acne. Well, in the end I returned to the state it was before the “treatment” of this. Now I am being observed, but in a different clinic with a different approach to the problem. I had tests and then treatment. about CARROTS - the holy truth. eat a carrot salad with sour cream, I also add honey there, the carrots give juice, it turns out great. or carrot juice with cream or with fatty foods. result in a few hours.

When you take medications with retinol or apply retinoic ointment, you need to protect yourself from the sun, otherwise you will get freckles.

how many drops should I take?

Damn, I was prescribed retinol palmitate 50 thousand units. 2 times a day for 1 month, I go to the pharmacy and ask, they say that there is no 50 thousand, there is only 100 thousand and what should I do?

Unfortunately, retinol palmitate does not help with acne. Before this I took Roaccutane.
It's very expensive, but it helped. I decided to try palmitate, the composition seems to be the same, I was all covered in acne, and very badly. I had to switch again to Roaakutan - I couldn’t save money.

4 years ago I took Roaccutane + Diane 35, diagnosed with a chronic skin disease, now retinol palmitate + Diane 35. I have been taking Diane since I was 16 years old. Bottom line: as long as you drink everything well, if you stop, the rashes appear again.

I took retinol palmitate for 6 months, as prescribed by the dermatologist. The results for month 3 were amazing. I used a syringe to put 2 cubes into drinking yogurt. And when the doctor told me to reduce the dose, I began to notice a deterioration (+during this period I also had chickenpox at the wrong time.), In general, when I stopped taking vitamin A, everything returned to normal. And I don't know when this will end. Because of acne, I don’t want to communicate with anyone, I try not to leave the house and I always feel insecure. And in crowded places I always want to hide, like a snail in its shell.(

so, my case. Retinol acetate helped already on the third day of taking it, I took it for two months and there were no acne at all. Then I read on the internet that retinol palmiate seemed to be better, so I bought it and took it for a week - as a result, there was first a white rash under the lower jaw, then it gradually developed into such terrible dense red pimples - I’ve never seen so many of these in my life. Palmate is in the trash, I’m going back to retinol acetate. It really helps. His dose for me is 3 balls (33,000 IU each) in the morning, 2 in the evening. Judging by the instructions, there is some overdose, but I don’t feel any side effects yet. Apart from Diane 35, which I stopped taking due to blood thickening, retinol acetate is the most effective remedy, thank him.

I tried it personally, it helped me, but after prolonged use I start to feel nauseous, but once I quit, the acne comes back

Unfortunately, retinol palmitate does not help with acne. Before this I took Roaccutane.
It's very expensive, but it helped. I decided to try palmitate, the composition seems to be the same, I was all covered in acne, and very badly. I had to switch again to Roaakutan - I couldn’t save money.

I read several comments and was horrified. In people, acne has eaten away at the brain, nothing less. If you were at least a little interested in information, you would know that within one, some three weeks of taking retinol palmitate, there may be an EXacERBATION. This is normal. This is how it should be. And of course, retinol palmitate alone will NOT solve the acne problem. People have been struggling with it for years, decades, and you wanted to take vitamins and that’s it, get clear skin back?

Natalya Unfortunately, retinol palmitate does not help with acne. Before this I took Roaccutane.
It's very expensive, but it helped. I decided to try palmitate, the composition seems to be the same, I was all covered in acne, and very badly. I had to switch again to Roaakutan - I couldn’t save money.
Em. Are you seriously? Why are you writing this ***, someone will read it, and perhaps even believe it. In terms of price, retinol palmitate and Roaccutane are not so different. And there is no need to compare a VITAMIN, which can be taken from 1 year, and a serious MEDICINE, which can be taken ONLY after passing many tests, a doctor’s recommendation and in the presence of serious problems. And you can’t give birth after taking the drug for several years, and it has a bunch of serious side effects.

Em. Are you seriously? Why are you writing this ***, someone will read it, and perhaps even believe it. In terms of price, retinol palmitate and Roaccutane are not so different. And there is no need to compare a VITAMIN, which can be taken from 1 year, and a serious MEDICINE, which can be taken ONLY after passing many tests, a doctor’s recommendation and in the presence of serious problems. And you can’t give birth after taking the drug for several years, and it has a bunch of serious side effects.[/quo
It's so rude to insult people who share their experiences. In our country they are afraid of Roaccutane, like they used to be afraid of the plague. In fact, you need to drink it in microdoses, not those prescribed in the instructions. Listen to your body. I take 1 capsule a day and often skip it. As soon as I feel that the oiliness is returning (which means acne is coming soon), I start taking it regularly. As soon as the skin becomes normal, I can skip a few days. This is the only product that can help people who want to have perfect skin.

Em. Are you seriously? Why are you writing this ***, someone will read it, and perhaps even believe it. In terms of price, retinol palmitate and Roaccutane are not so different. And there is no need to compare a VITAMIN, which can be taken from 1 year, and a serious MEDICINE, which can be taken ONLY after passing many tests, a doctor’s recommendation and in the presence of serious problems. And you can’t give birth after taking the drug for several years, and it has a bunch of serious side effects.

You need to do professional cleaning, then take Unidox (possibly some other antibiotic depending on the type of infection as prescribed by the doctor) and maintain it as follows: 1) chlorophyllipt alcohol 1 tsp per 50-100 ml on an empty stomach, 2) retinol acetate or palmitate, 3) do it yourself cleaning the most problematic areas by first washing your face and hands with soap, preferably with hot water (personally, I wash my face for cleaning with a dish sponge, not the soft but the hard side, this is a kind of peeling, but not a new one because it is too hard, a sponge works well), 4) before going to bed and after cleansing, acidify the skin with a lotion of 1/2 part 2% salicylic alcohol and 1/2 chlorhexidine or, even better, Miramistin, 5) and of course diet and hygiene

You need to do professional cleaning, then take Unidox (possibly some other antibiotic depending on the type of infection as prescribed by the doctor) and maintain it as follows: 1) chlorophyllipt alcohol 1 tsp per 50-100 ml on an empty stomach, 2) retinol acetate or palmitate, 3) do it yourself cleaning the most problematic areas by first washing your face and hands with soap, preferably with hot water (personally, I wash my face for cleaning with a dish sponge, not the soft but the hard side, this is a kind of peeling, but not a new one because it is too hard, a sponge works well), 4) before going to bed and after cleansing, acidify the skin with a lotion of 1/2 part 2% salicylic alcohol and 1/2 chlorhexidine or, even better, Miramistin, 5) and of course diet and hygiene

History - since I was 13 years old I have been living in a private house, i.e. I have my own well. water! Now I'm 30!
I have been suffering from acne since I was 14 years old. and in the beginning it all started small, like everyone else. those. face, then back and off we go. increasingly stronger and more serious. Mom and Dad turned a blind eye while I was a “child” - they didn’t take much care of my problem. As a result, by the time I was 17-18 I simply had a disfigured back, chest and face)))) I just tried EVERYTHING. conceivable and advertised teenage "cures" - you all know them. result - 0. As a result, I took Roaccutane (the price per pack was then 3200 rubles, 4 packs per month were spent for 3 months!) Did you all manage to calculate? Conclusion: it helps. BUT it was very difficult to tolerate the side effects! Important. — READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND DO NOT GO OVER WITH THIS “DOCTOR”. After finishing taking it, I stayed in a human state for about 6-7 months, then relapsed (((. Next - Erase (this is the Indian analogue of Roaccutane, price 1200 rubles per pack). I also drank 4 a month for 3 months! The result - it helped. , BUT after about a year, again they started to appear on my face a little, and my face began to get very oily again, but my back, on the contrary, remained quite dry (by the way, for reference, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I go in for sports, I eat normally.).

NOW WILL BE THE MOST INTERESTING! — As I already said, at the age of 13 I began to live in a private house with my own well (water). It turns out that the water that I have used all these years contains a large amount of “iron”, “manganese”, “Boron” and other pleasant good stuff! It was they, together with the onset of adolescence, that caused deterioration of the skin condition, i.e. sebaceous skin becomes greasy due to a disease of the sebaceous glands (thanks Cap!), but not only “hormonal imbalance” during adolescence can provoke the skin to produce a large amount of sebum, but also what you drink and what you do wash your body every day! those. - WATER! Why am I so sure of this? - I answer - before taking "ROA" I lived for six months in an apartment, and not in the house where I lived most of the time, and then I noticed a very interesting thing - literally in the second month of living in the apartment and using other water, my acute rashes stopped, The oiliness of the skin decreased and, as a result, by about the 5th month the inflammation almost completely stopped, BUT as soon as I returned back to the house and began using the same water again, the nightmare returned! )) After installing a GOOD water filtration system in the house, the condition of my skin improved, but I still needed “heavy artillery” in the form of Roaccutane.



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Towards the end of my pregnancy I started getting pimples like a teenager. But then I had no time for them. After giving birth, I decided to take care of myself and made an appointment with a dermatologist.
I received a lot of advice on skin care. And very simple and effective. So I recommend everyone to visit this doctor. You can finally make friends with your skin) I was prescribed vitamin A as a treatment for acne. To be honest, I was surprised, but the doctor explained that retinol normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which is why acne goes away. Well, everything is logical)
Then, by the way, I read in one article that vitamin A returns the skin to the condition of a baby’s skin, without enlarged pores and so on. Yes, it really looks like it)
I bought retinol palmitate from JSC Retinoids. The dermatologist said that if the pharmacy offers acetate as a replacement, then you shouldn’t take it, because humans absorb vitamin A in the form of palmitate, acetate was originally invented for animals.
I'm checking with the manufacturer because I assume there are other options. And these drugs can act differently, so you shouldn’t lump everything together; I’m writing exactly about what I actually used.
So, it was convenient to dose and use. The bottle is very economical. And most importantly, the result! The pimples slowly but surely went away completely. The main thing is that my skin was not oily everywhere, but dry in some places. You know, it often dried out on my elbows and on my heels. And that too passed. The skin appears firmer and the color is more even. Overall, I'm very pleased. It's nice to look at yourself in the mirror.3
I advise everyone to ask their dermatologist about retinol palmitate. If it suits you, then expect miracles from your skin!)