Retroposition Uterus

Uterine retroposition is a condition in which the uterus is located outside of its normal position in the pelvic cavity. This can be caused by various reasons such as pregnancy, childbirth, surgery or other diseases.

Retroposition of the uterus can lead to various complications such as abdominal pain, menstrual irregularities, bleeding, infertility and even miscarriage. Therefore, it is very important to detect this problem in time and take measures to eliminate it.

One of the methods of treating uterine retroposition is to move it to its normal position. This can be done through surgery or other methods. After moving the uterus to its normal position, the patient can continue treatment aimed at eliminating other causes of uterine retroposition.

Overall, uterine retroposition is a serious problem that can lead to serious complications. Therefore, it is very important to detect this problem promptly and begin treatment.

Uterine retroposition is a surgical procedure in which the uterus and its parts are transplanted to a higher place in the abdominal cavity. It is usually performed to treat women with genital prolapse or problems in the vaginal and genital area.

The uterus can shift or collapse into the pelvis when the organ prolapses as a result of weakening of the ligaments and muscles that support it. Uterine retroposition may also be performed to restore the vaginal system after uterine cancer surgery. Retroposition of the uterus can be performed on pregnant women up to 36 weeks of pregnancy, in case of incomplete placenta previa. The purpose of this operation is to deliver the placenta and completely close the cervix to prevent bleeding. When examining the lower parts