Reverden Clamp

Reverden clamp

The Reverden Clamp, also known as the "Reverden Clamp", is a medical device used to stop bleeding during surgery or injury. It was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by the Swiss surgeon Joseph Louis Reverden.

Joseph Louis Reverdin (J. L. Reverdin, June 5, 1836, Zurich - May 24, 1906, Coppe) - was the initiator of reforms among obstetricians in Germany. He distinguished himself in surgery while still a medical student in Zurich. His skills were recognized at the Vienna Medical Academy on September 20, 1863, after which he held the position of assistant at the Vienna University Hospital from then on. He studied anatomy with August Trotter and human anatomy with Ida Virginia. Then, returning to Switzerland, he studied with famous teachers such as Giesbrecht and F