Sinusography Retrograde

Retrograde sinography is an x-ray research method in which a contrast agent is injected through the veins of the neck or soft integument of the skull to obtain images of the venous sinuses of the brain and veins of the neck.

In retrograde sinusography, a catheter is placed in the jugular vein and contrast is injected through it. Then X-rays are taken in two projections - frontal and lateral. The method allows you to obtain an image of the venous sinuses of the dura mater and veins of the neck, assess their condition, and identify pathological changes.

Indications for retrograde sinusography are suspicions of thrombosis of the cerebral sinuses, brain tumors that require assessment of the condition of the venous sinuses before surgery. During the procedure, complications in the form of vein thrombosis are possible, so it is performed according to strict indications. Retrograde sinusography provides important diagnostic information for diseases of the cerebral venous system.

Sinus rhythm is a set of electrocardiographic data associated with the human heartbeat. Rhythm characterizes all stages of the cardiac cycle and is an indicator that allows us to understand its phases. In sinus rhythm, all impulses are set by the SA node, due to which the heart rhythm is called sinus. Any disturbances in the functioning of the sinus nodes, leading to a change in heart rate in one direction or another, are called arrhythmias, which may indicate the seriousness of the problems (related to conduction disturbances or blockades) facing