-Рея (-Rrhoea)

Rhea (-Rrhoea)

Rhea (-rrhoea) is a suffix used in medical terminology to denote pathological discharge from various organs or parts thereof.

The suffix comes from the Greek word "rheo", which means "to flow." It is attached to the name of the organ or part from which the fluid is released.

For example:

  1. Rhinorrhea (rhinorrhoea) is the discharge of mucus or pus from the nose.

  2. Gastrorrhea (gastorrhoea) - increased secretion of gastric juice.

  3. Enterorrhea (enterorrhoea) - diarrhea, pathological discharge of intestinal contents.

  4. Menorrhagia - heavy and prolonged menstruation.

  5. Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine.

The use of the suffix “-rhea” allows you to quickly and succinctly indicate the nature of a particular pathological discharge from the body.

Rhea (-Rrhoea)

Rhea is a suffix used in medical terminology to denote the discharge of any fluid from an organ or part of an organ.

The suffix "rhea" comes from the Greek word rheo, which means "to flow." It is attached to the root word denoting the organ or part of the body from which fluid is secreted.

Some examples of medical terms with the suffix "-rhea":

  1. Rhinorrhea (rhinorrhoea) is the discharge of mucus or pus from the nose.

  2. Enterorrhea (enterorrhoea) - diarrhea, excretion of feces from the intestines.

  3. Menorrhea (menorrhoea) - menstruation, discharge of menstrual blood from the uterus.

  4. Hemorrhoids (haemorrhoea) - discharge of blood from hemorrhoidal veins.

  5. Lactorrhea (lactorrhoea) is the secretion of milk from the mammary glands.

Thus, the suffix “-rhea” allows you to concisely and clearly designate the pathological or physiological release of various fluids from organs and tissues. It is widely used in medical terminology.

-Rhea (-rrhoea) is a suffix in medical terminology that is used to denote pathological discharge from various organs.

Words with the suffix "-rhea" indicate excessive secretion or leakage of some fluid. For example:

  1. Rhinorrhea (rhinorrhoea) is the discharge of mucus or pus from the nose.

  2. Enterorrhea (enterorrhoea) - diarrhea, excessive secretion of intestinal contents.

  3. Menorrhea (menorrhoea) - heavy and/or painful menstrual flow.

  4. Gonorrhea (gonorrhoea) - discharge from the genitourinary tract due to the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea.

  5. Lymphorrhea (lymphorrhoea) is the leakage of lymph from damaged lymphatic vessels.

Thus, the suffix “-rhea” helps to accurately designate pathological discharge from specific organs or tissues. It is an important medical terminology tool for describing the symptoms of diseases.

In medicine and technology, we often come across the term “rhea” (from the Greek rheos - fluid), which means movement, movement of any liquid: liquid or gaseous substance. Rhea is included in compound words as the main meaning. It can be attached to words as a prefix (dihydro-, or peroxy-, for example dihydrotestosterone in men).

- Reagnossentnaya rhea - increased ability to form lymph. Often found in rickets and heart defects. It also increases the motor function of the intestines - tones its contents and promotes the removal of unwanted substances from the body through digestion. Intestinal toning is accompanied by abdominal pain. Therefore, if you notice these symptoms, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

In addition, the terms and abbreviations "rhea" are often assigned one or another name for the disease that they may indicate. Moreover, all abbreviations are a symbol of the disease that has been isolated. For example:

Rhinorrhea is a disease that indicates a malfunction of the nasal mucosa. It can occur for various reasons. The pathology is acute and does not last long. If you do not undergo treatment in a timely manner, it will lead to complications. Patients complain of headache, discomfort in the nose, discomfort in the sternum, and cough. Discharge from the nasopharynx becomes brown or yellow-green. In the final stages, the patient suffers greatly from sinusitis.