Resection of Cardia According to Rumple


Rumpe's gastric resection is an operation that involves removing part of the stomach (cardia). This is done to treat diseases associated with ulcers, stomach cancer, and also to prevent the recurrence of ulcers in the future. This operation is one of the most common surgical procedures in the world.

Description of the procedure:

The Rumpel gastrectomy procedure is performed through a small incision in the abdominal cavity located on the right side of the body below the ribs. The surgeon inserts an endoscope into the abdominal cavity and finds the stomach, which is located between the ribs. The surgeon then makes an incision directly on the stomach to remove the affected part. After this, part of the stomach is removed and replaced with a special prosthesis made of synthetic material - silicone or polyurethane - it retains the necessary shape and allows digested food to move up to the esophagus. With its help, food debris and acidic juice do not return to the body and this promotes a better digestion process. As a result of the operation, a person gets the opportunity to fully eat and restore his body. A lack of stomach acid or its inability to function properly can be a sign of a number of diseases that require surgery. Decreased acidity can lead to improper digestion and disruption of the stomach. Gastritis, stomach ulcers, stomach cancer, polyps and intestinal problems are just some of the possible reasons for Rump resection of the gastric cardia.

Indications for surgery: - Bo