
**Noanocardine** Noanocardine is a selective alpha1-blocker developed by Croatia, which is a doxazor: one of the Pfizer products. Effective, thanks to the small volume of the head, its components are several means in the treatment of urinary tract diseases. It may be useful for people suffering from hypertension, benign

Tonocardin is a drug that has a selective alpha1-blocking effect. Trade name: doxazosin. International nonproprietary name of the drug: doxazazin [+] International name: doxazosin Other names of the drug: Artesin, Artesin DH, Doxazok, Doxonet, Doxone, Doxidrone, Durizol, Durilold, Izosim, Kameramin, Cametoride, Camflek, Cardur, Carduri, Corten, Couriture , Lazomer, Lekdur-N, Maxidor, Mir-5-mdr, Microlazin, Nitrolan, Nitrocarmine, Octodor, Syndoxazoline, Tobidrex, Trocolit, Uniterren-DHF Pharmacological action: Reduced blood pressure due to a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance without a significant change in heart rate (negative chronotropic effect) and cardiac output. The onset of the hypotensive effect is 24 hours after oral administration, the maximum effect is achieved after 3-4 days of use. The severity of the hypotensive effect correlates with the degree of arterial hypertension and does not depend on the patient’s age. Tonocardinide does not cause reflex tachycardia and increases renal blood flow. After cessation of treatment, effectiveness returns to its original level after a period of time that is sufficient for the development of tolerance. Pharmacokinetics: After oral administration, it is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Maximum concentration in plasma after 1 hour. About 90% is bound to plasma proteins. The volume of distribution is approximately 2 l/kg. Almost completely metabolized in the liver to form active metabolites.