Gastric resection according to Eyselsberg

Surgery using the method of Dr. Victor Eiselberg allows you to radically get rid of most diseases associated not only with disruption of the digestive processes, but also causing a general decrease in the patient’s quality of life and exhaustion of the body. Gastric resection using the Eisenberg method is performed when a gastric diverticulum, gastric polyposis with multiple formations, complicated ulcerative strictures of the stomach, focal atrophic, hypertrophic and ulcerative gastritis are detected. But this operation can also be performed for oncological pathologies of the stomach of various etiologies. The operation itself is carried out on an empty stomach, which allows you to begin feeding the patient through a tube immediately after surgery. As for the features of this technique, they boil down to the following: 1. Suturing (plastic) of the stomach ends at the border of the anastomosis with the duodenum, after which the stage begins