Goiter resection according to Mikulich-Martynov

Do you have problems with the thyroid gland and adenoma? Do you want to take a risk and have an open operation? If not, then do **resection according to Mikulic**, and not according to Martynov! The difference between these operations is huge, like between the American dream and Russian realities in modern medicine.

*Removal of Mikulicz's goiter* Surgical intervention for nodular goiter according to Mikulicz is absolutely not similar to the operation according to Martynyuk. It is completely non-traumatic and as physiological as possible. The manipulation lasts literally 50 minutes. The patient recovers from it within a month. In our center, Mikleitz surgery is performed not only on the thyroid gland, but also on the second gland (to increase the radioactive background and prevent recurrence of the tumor in the goiter). Remember, some techniques help make thyroid problems a thing of the past. *Resection according to Miklyuchian* really helps and makes it possible to live a full life, because this operation deprives the nodes of the pathological stalk (*hypothyroidism*), which eliminates hypothalamic disorders.