
The cause of the pain can be either retained winds, or excess, sharp and burning, or burning and salty with the properties of bavrac, or thick and sticky, not amenable to expulsion, as well as ulcers, tumors, snakes or “pumpkin seeds”. Sometimes cramps occur during a disease crisis and are one of the signs of a crisis. Any strong pains are like kulanj and their treatment is the same as the treatment of kulanj, unless they are gall; treating the latter in this way poses a great danger. Cutting pains that do not ease, when they intensify, even turn into kulanj or ileus. If the pain leads to cuzaz, vomiting, hiccups and confusion, this indicates the proximity of death.

Signs. The pain caused by the winds is accompanied by rumbling, bloating and tension in the abdomen without a feeling of heaviness and calms down with the release of the winds. If the cause of the pain is bile juices, then this is indicated by a slight severity with strong burning and burning, thirst and the release of bile with feces. Such cramps are similar to kulanj, but treating them the way kulanj is treated is very dangerous. As for the signs of pain caused by juices with the properties of bavrac, these are a burning sensation with an increasing feeling of heaviness and the release of mucus with feces. Signs of pain from thick viscous juices are heaviness, constant pain in the same place and the release of juices of this kind with feces. Signs of pain due to ulcers are the well-known signs of abrasions, and signs of pain due to tumors are signs of the tumors mentioned in the paragraph about kulanj. Signs of pain caused by worms are the signs mentioned in the paragraph on worms.

Treatment. In case of any pain due to matter, if the matter is abundant, the patient should be induced to vomit and relax. As for wind pains, they are first treated in a manner suitable for treating winds, and everything that causes winds is avoided; You should eat little, drink little water after meals and move little after meals. Then, if the winds are constant, the intestines should be treated with an enema to remove the juices drawn into them, and chicken fat, rose oil and wax are used in enemas. If the disease occurs at the top, then it is treated with drinking medicines, for example, shakhriyaran, tamri and iyaraj with seed juice, as well as medicine from quince. Then the patient takes teryak, shajazaniyya and similar medicines or seeds that dispel the winds.

Prescription, enemas. Properly boil polypodium, centaury, cumin, dill, dry rue, fenugreek and celery seeds in equal quantities, then take about a hundred dirhams of the decoction and dissolve sagapen and bdellium in it, each half a dirham or more or less, depending on the necessary, and add ten dirhams of spikenard or rue oil and ten dirhams of honey.

Prescription of powders. They take cumin, laurel drupes, rue and azhgon - half a dirham each, faniz - five dirhams and prepare powders from it; This is the quantity per dose. They also take one mithqal of thick centaury with matbukh. One of the surprisingly useful remedies, according to those who have tried it, is burnt pork grandmothers, which are given to drink for those suffering from pain due to the winds; They also feed them with dry laurel drupes, by themselves, in the amount of two spoons. Among the remedies that help against this ailment and against pain due to mucus are bana grains and balsam tree grains - both for a dirham; They are taken with hot water in the morning and evening. In medicinal dressings, common to both ailments, roasted hazelnuts in shell are used, applied hot to the sore spot; Poultices are also good, for example, with dill, rue and dry marjoram; Very useful are medicinal navel dressings made from crushed laurel drupes mixed with wine or rue juice, which are not removed all night.

When suffering from pain due to wind or mucus, they feed, for example, with broth from larks or from old roosters, boiled with the addition of dill, spices and fragrant seeds, and they are limited to one broth. Bread for such patients should be sour, salty, well baked; Bran bread and old liquid wine are best suited for them. Patients should do light exercise before meals; As they say, fried hedgehog helps in both cases. When pain is caused by viscous mucus, it is treated in approximately the same way as pain from winds is treated, but more attention should be paid to cleansing either from the bottom or from the top. One of the useful remedies when there is no diarrhea is amom powders; It also helps if you give her watercress with raisins and spiced cakes. If you feel pain from salty mucus, you should hurry to remove it with the help of enemas from turbitum and polypodium, the effect of which is somewhat moderated, for example, by cordia and violet. Mucus can also be removed with iyaraj fikra and quince laxative. Then the patient takes food that gives good chyme and has healthy fat content, such as, for example, the fat content of the meat of dairy lambs, chickens and fattened chickens. You should reduce the amount of food, while improving its quality, and drink a little liquid wine.

For any cold pain, it is useful to drink water sweetened with honey with watercress seeds, anise, calamus, laurel drupes, bay leaves, aristolochia, centaury and balsam tree - individually or in combinations. As for the pain due to yellow bile, you should observe the patient, and if his strength is significant, and there is a lot of matter, it is removed, for example, using a decoction of myrobalans or the juice of both varieties of pomegranate with a small amount of scammonium resin, or with pomegranate juice alone without scammonium, washing it down with hot water; The mucus is also removed with a decoction of tamarind or laxative cassia, as well as semolina and the like, after which the matter is balanced, for example, with flea plantain with rose oil and pomegranate juice or squeezed kissa juice with rose oil. Cold medicinal dressings with black nightshade and grapevine color are applied to the stomach; Bitter wormwood should also be mixed with these substances. The food is lentil stew, stew with sumac, spinach, barberry and the like. One should be wary of the mistake that happens when a disease is mistaken for kulanj and treatment for kulanj is applied - this ruins the patient. We, however, will return to the description of all the methods of treating this type of pain when we talk about the different types of gallstones; wait for the end of our discussion about this in its place. Cramps due to ulcers are treated by using the ulcers, and we have already talked about this. Likewise, for pain caused by tumors, tumors are treated, and for pain caused by worms, they are cured with anti-worm remedies.