Rh Factor (Rhesus Factor, Rh Factor)

Rh Factor (Rhesus Factor, Rh Factor) is a special antigen (agglutinogen) that may or may not be present on the surface of red blood cells; it is called the Rh factor. Most people (about 85%) have this factor and are called Rh positive (Rhpositivc). If a person does not have this factor, then he is classified as Rh-negative.

Incompatibility between Rh-positive and Rh-negative blood is an important cause of reactions during blood transfusion, as well as hemolytic disease of the newborn.

See also Blood type.

Rh factor (Rhesus factor, Rh factor) is a protein that is found on the surface of erythrocytes (red blood cells). It was discovered in 1940 and named after the English physician Karl Landsteiner who first discovered it.

The Rh factor is an important factor in medicine because it can cause problems with blood transfusions. If the donor and recipient have different Rh factors, then when donor red blood cells are transfused into the recipient's blood, a rejection reaction may occur. This can lead to serious complications such as anemia, hemolytic disease of the newborn, and even death.

There are two main types of Rh factor: positive and negative. A positive Rh factor is referred to as Rh+ and is the most common type, while a negative Rh factor is referred to as Rh-. If a person has Rh+, then he is considered a universal donor, and if Rh-, then he is considered a universal recipient.

To prevent problems with blood transfusions, it is important to know your Rh factor and have it checked in everyone who receives a blood transfusion. It is also necessary to screen pregnant women for the presence of Rh factor to prevent possible complications.

In general, the Rh factor plays an important role in medicine and is necessary for proper blood transfusion.

Rh factor is a special blood antigen that exists in the body of most people and can cause various reactions during blood transfusion and childbirth. However, not all people have it and it also affects people's health and life, especially during pregnancy.

What is Rh factor?

Rh factor (or Rh factor) is a protein on the surface of human red blood cells called reticuloendothelial antigen. It can be positive or negative depending on the presence or absence of this antigen on red blood cells. Most people have this antigen and are called Rh positive, whereas