Rhabdomyoma (Rhabdomyota)

Rhabdomyoma is a rare form of benign tumor that can occur in skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle. It usually develops in children and young adults, but can appear at any age.

Symptoms of rhabdomyoma can vary depending on where it occurs. If the tumor is located in the skeletal muscles, the patient may experience pain and discomfort in the affected area. In addition, movement may be limited and swelling may occur. If the rhabdomyoma occurs in the heart muscle, the patient may experience shortness of breath, fatigue, and chest pain.

Diagnosis of rhabdomyoma is carried out using various research methods, such as x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) and biopsy. Once the diagnosis of rhabdomyoma is confirmed, treatment may vary depending on the extent of the tumor and its location.

If the tumor is growing slowly and does not cause significant symptoms, then the patient's condition is often monitored and monitored. However, if the rhabdomyoma grows quickly and causes discomfort, surgery may be required to remove it. In some cases, chemotherapy or radiotherapy may be used.

Overall, the prognosis for rhabdomyoma is usually good, especially if the tumor is detected at an early stage. However, in some cases recurrence is possible, so regular examinations are necessary to monitor the patient's condition.

In conclusion, rhabdomyoma is a rare form of tumor that can arise in skeletal muscle or cardiac muscle. Symptoms and treatment of rhabdomyoma depend on where it occurs and how far it has developed. Patients with rhabdomyoma should receive regular monitoring and monitoring of their condition.

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Rhabdomyosarcoma or rhabdomyosarcomatosis is a malignant tumor based on sarcoma tissue. This disease can be highly aggressive, and symptoms include muscle pain, weakness and fever. The small number of such tumors in the body allows them to develop unnoticed, and clinical manifestations are detected only