Rheumatic Triad in Psychiatry

The rheumatic triad in psychiatry is a combination of mental symptoms characteristic of severe rheumatic schizophrenia: depression, hallucinations and motor retardation. These symptoms often occur together, which explains the term “triad.”

Rheumatic schizophrenia is one of the most severe forms of schizophrenia, and often occurs in people suffering from rheumatic diseases. Rheumatic schizophrenia is characterized by persistent changes in the psychological state, which can lead to a significant deterioration in the patient’s quality of life and requires complex treatment.

The main role in the development of the rheumatic triad is played by the destruction of brain tissue. As a result, neural connections fail. Penetrating inside the patient, toxins spread throughout all organs, poisoning the person from the inside. One of these toxins is streptocide. This is why during acute rheumatoid arthritis it is necessary to take analgesics: this way the patient will perceive his condition as a beneficial sensation. At the same time, an equally toxic poison, metanglykel, is removed from the body.

The combination of symptoms of depression, hallucinations (appearance of non-existent objects and images) and motor problems (weakness, rapid exhaustion and disturbances of voluntary movements) in the clinical picture of rheumatic psychiatry is often called the rheumatic triad. According to many clinicians, this is a characteristic combination of symptoms for rheumatic psychotic disorder. A depressive background, along with asthenia (exhaustion of the body) and hallucinations, are an obligatory element in the manifestation of rheumatic psychopathy. Impaired motor functions (muscle weakness and facial hypotonia) also complement the overall clinical picture of the pathology. This situation is a symptom of a disease of the peripheral nervous system.

In the first days after the attack, pronounced motor retardation begins. Patients tend to underestimate their own health and ignore the treatment process. The most common complaints of patients include drowsiness, inhibited temperament, and memory impairment. After the attack, patients continue to experience severe mental intoxication. Such a clinic worsens a person’s quality of life and impedes social functioning.

Rheumatic triad In psychiatry, this is an unusual combination of symptoms that manifests itself in patients with severe rheumatic diseases. This condition can lead to unpredictable consequences and requires urgent treatment. We tell you more about the rheumatic triad in psychiatry.

What is rheumatic psychosis? Rheumatic psychosis is a mental disorder that is usually associated with a rheumatic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, axial spondyloarthritis, Lyme disease, or Sjögren's syndrome. It is characterized by various symptoms, including depression, motor retardation (movement is inhibited