
Repellents are products that repel insects and other pests. A repellent is a substance that reduces the likelihood of contact between the host and the parasite.

Repellents can be natural (eg, lavender, citronella, geranium, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon balm, thyme, tea tree) or synthetic (synthetic repellents such as DEET or carb).

Natural repellents are mainly used to protect against insects such as mosquitoes, midges, ticks, flies, fleas, etc. They can also be used to protect plants from pests such as whiteflies, aphids, thrips, etc.

Synthetic repellents are also used to protect people and animals from insects. They usually act on the nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death.

However, it is important to remember that repellents are not an absolute solution to insect control. They can only reduce the likelihood of contact with them, but not eliminate them completely. Therefore, to completely get rid of insects, it is necessary to use a comprehensive approach that includes the use of repellents as well as other pest control methods such as traps, nets, insect traps, etc...

It is also important to remember that the use of repellents can have side effects on humans and animals. Therefore, before using repellents, you must carefully study the instructions for use and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Overall, repellents are an important tool in the fight against insects and other pests. However, their use must be judicious and balanced to avoid possible side effects and ensure maximum effectiveness.

Article about repellents

Repellents, translated from Latin, are substances that can repel insects or other animals. They are indispensable assistants in the fight against insects harmful to humans and their households, for example, mosquitoes, flies, and moths. There are two types of repellents: animal and chemical. Animal repellents include ant yolk, green soap and honey, and chicory root tincture. The last two remedies can be used to combat lice - a type of small insect that most often lives in the hair. However, the effectiveness of their use is low. To get rid of a large number of hair lice, you will need anti-lice products. Chemical repellents include permethrin, lindane, kerosene, and tetramethrin. They have different effects on insects.