
Rhinosinus Rhinomycosis (RNS) or **Respiratory fungal rhinitis (RFR)** is an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract caused by mold fungi of the genus Penicillium, Phoma and Aspergillus - Penicillium italicum and others.

ICD-10 code: A49. *MS refers to infections of the ENT organs that are difficult to treat; according to S. Yu. Bulkin in Russia, it accounts for about 4% of all cases of fungal infection.* Symptoms:\ - Nasal discharge is often liquid, transparent, white, yellowish or brown with an unpleasant odor (smell of fish, bleach).\n– Observed itching, burning in the nasal cavity, nasal breathing is difficult, the sense of smell is impaired.\n– Lacrimation, discharge from the eyes.\n Diagnosis: _\n– Confirmed by mycological analyzes of the excreted material – fungus