Rhododendron Golden.

Rhododendron Golden

Golden rhododendron (Rhododendron chrysanthum) is a small evergreen shrub of the heather family up to 1 m high. It grows in the mountains of the North Caucasus, Altai, Sayan, in the Far East, Sakhalin and the Northern Kuril Islands.

The leaves contain biologically active substances and are used in folk medicine. The drugs have a tonic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. They are used for cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal infections, gynecological problems, rheumatism, headaches, etc.

Care must be taken as... overdose causes poisoning. Use only as directed by a doctor.

Honey from flowers is toxic, causing headaches and gastrointestinal disorders. The leaves are poisonous to animals.

Golden rhododendron is a valuable medicinal and ornamental plant.