Minor Problems During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is not only a joyful period in a woman’s life, but also a time when various health problems may arise. Some of them may be minor and do not require serious treatment, but can still cause discomfort. In this article, we'll look at some of the most common pregnancy-related problems and give tips on how to deal with them.


Nausea is one of the most common problems during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. It is caused by hormonal changes in the body, but can also arise due to anxiety about childbirth or the future status of a parent. If nausea bothers you, try to eat small meals, avoid fatty and spicy foods, drink more fluids and get plenty of rest. If the problem does not go away, consult your doctor for help.


Bloating is another common problem that can be experienced during pregnancy. It is usually caused by changes in intestinal motility caused by hormonal changes in the body. To combat this problem, avoid fresh, uncooked vegetables, which can cause gas, and eat lighter foods.

Swollen feet and hands

Swollen feet and hands are common during the third trimester of pregnancy. This occurs due to insufficient circulation in the lower legs caused by increased blood volume. To combat this problem, regularly do dynamic movements for the lower legs to increase blood circulation, and avoid prolonged standing or sitting.


Cramps are another common problem during pregnancy, especially in the lower legs. It is usually caused by hormonal changes and can be difficult to prevent. However, you can control cramps by stretching and stretching your cramped muscles as much as possible.


Cloasma is an excessive increase in pigmentation, resulting in the appearance of dark spots on the skin. Since these spots are very sensitive to sunlight, avoid prolonged sun exposure and use a sunscreen with high UV protection.

Stretch marks on the skin

Stretch marks on the skin are another common problem during pregnancy. They usually appear due to sudden weight gain and changes in hormonal levels. To prevent stretch marks on the skin, it is recommended to moisturize the skin regularly, avoid sudden changes in weight, eat healthy foods, and use special creams and oils to prevent stretch marks.

In general, most problems associated with pregnancy are temporary and can be easily managed. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to seek help from a doctor or a pregnant woman who has already been through this. It is important to remember that the health of the expectant mother and child is the most important thing during pregnancy.