Boy or Girl? List of Misconceptions

Misconceptions about how to predict the gender of an unborn child are common in society. Many people adhere to their own theories and advice, but the scientific point of view says that all these myths are completely meaningless. In this article we will look at some of the most common misconceptions about determining the sex of an unborn child.

Misconception 1. The sex of an unborn child depends on what its parents eat.

Some people believe that the sex of an unborn child depends on what its parents eat. For example, to give birth to a boy, you need to eat more meat and salty foods, and to give birth to a girl, you need to eat a lot of sweets and fish. In fact, the sex of the unborn child is determined genetically, and the diet of the parents does not have any influence on this.

Misconception 2: The sex of an unborn child depends on when its parents have sex.

Some people believe that the sex of an unborn child depends on the time its parents have sex. For example, to give birth to a boy, you need to make love at night on the odd days of the month, and to give birth to a girl, you need to make love in the evening on the even days of the month. It is also believed that to give birth to a boy, you need to make love during the full moon, and to give birth to a girl, during the month. However, all these statements have no scientific basis.

Misconception 3: The sex of an unborn child depends on how its parents have sex.

Some people believe that the sex of an unborn child depends on the way its parents have sex. For example, to give birth to a boy, you need to make love in a cool room, standing, with your heads pointing north. To give birth to a girl, you need to make love in the traditional position, lying on your back, with your heads pointing south. However, all these statements have no scientific basis.

Misconception 4. The gender of the unborn child depends on the state of mind of its parents.

Some people believe that the sex of the unborn child depends on the state of mind of its parents. For example, if parents are worried and stressed at the time of conception and during the first weeks of pregnancy, then a boy is born, and if they are relaxed, then a girl is born. But it has been scientifically proven that factors such as stress and the state of mind of parents do not have any effect on the gender of the unborn child.

Misconception 5. The sex of a child depends on a number of important signs.

Some people believe that the gender of the unborn child can be predicted by a number of signs and superstitions. For example, for the birth of a boy, you need to put a can of beer or a toy gun under the pillow of the expectant mother, and for the birth of a girl, you need to put a pink ribbon or flower. It is also believed that if a man makes love in a T-shirt or shirt, then a boy will be born, and if the interior of the room is designed in pink colors, then a girl will be born. However, all these statements have no scientific basis.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the sex of the unborn child is determined genetically and does not depend on the diet, time, method and state of mind of the parents. It has been scientifically proven that all these misconceptions are just superstitions and have no effect on the gender of the unborn child. Therefore, if you are expecting a child, you should not follow superstitions and misconceptions, but rather trust science and enjoy this wonderful period in life.