Fasting Treatment

There is a more universal, independent remedy that helps get rid of bad habits - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction and gluttony - this is fasting, by which I mean fasting.
When they say that a person “keeps a fast” or “imposes a fast on himself,” this means that he voluntarily put a barrier in front of his sensual pleasures in order to curb and subjugate them. So, when a person begins to voluntarily fast, special adaptive changes occur in his body that gently remove foreign drugs and establish his own, correct metabolism. As a result, a person gets rid of drug addiction without withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal symptoms).
Fasting specialist G. Voitovich especially notes this fact and gives an example of how drug addict V., 42 years old, told him that after the first course of fasting he appeared in a society of drug addicts, sat there the whole evening without touching drugs, and led to most to the amazement of the “friends” around him. After this, a patient with the same illness, S, 34 years old, followed his example.
The most difficult period for fasting drug addicts is the first day of fasting. After fasting, they should not appear in their previous society, so as not to reconnect with the past.
Fasting for 24-36 hours once a week will help “educate” and “pacify” gluttony. It would be good to fast once every 3 months for 7-10 days. This will help “erase” information about gluttony in the mind and narrow a distended stomach. But as the most effective remedy, I recommend abstaining from food after 16:00 in the afternoon; you can only drink any drinks. This is how you need to endure the lunar month. During this time, the old habit dissipates and the new one becomes stronger.