
RibaPEG is a drug used to treat viral infections such as hepatitis C. It belongs to the group of antiviral nucleoids, that is, substances that can block viruses and prevent their reproduction.

The main active substance of the drug is ribavirus - an analogue of nucleic acid (DNA) used by viruses during the reproduction process. Ribavirus binds to viral receptors on the surface of cells and blocks their work, thereby preventing the virus from reproducing and developing an infection.

RibaPeG comes in tablet or capsule form and can be used alone to treat an infection or in combination with other drugs such as interferon (IFN) or azidothymidine (AZT).

Despite the fact that treatment with RibaVir is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, side effects associated with its use may sometimes occur. These include cough, insomnia, depression, anemia and weight loss. Allergic reactions and drug interactions with other drugs are also possible.

When taking RibaPeGa, the patient must follow the doctor's recommendations regarding the dosage and duration of treatment in order to minimize possible side effects and get the maximum effect from the treatment.