
Ribovital is a drug that is produced in Russia and belongs to the group of vitamin-like drugs. It consists of various components including riboxin, potassium chloride, glutamic acid, ascorbic acid, nicotinamide, riboflavin and pyridoxine hydrochloride.

The main indications for the use of Ribovital include improvement of metabolic processes, including in the elderly, recovery from serious illnesses, as well as adaptation of the body to various extreme conditions, such as mental or physical stress, climate, hypoxia and intoxication. The drug can also be used in combination for the treatment of coronary heart disease, circulatory failure, cardiosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy and heart rhythm disorders.

Ribovitan is contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity to the components, as well as in cases of severe disorders of purine metabolism. Side effects when taking Ribovital have not been established, but allergic reactions, digestive disorders, insomnia, headaches, and increased blood pressure are possible. No drug interactions with other drugs have been found, but taking Ribovitate should be individualized and carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

In case of an overdose of Ribovitb, symptomatic therapy is possible. In general, Ribovitamil is recommended to be taken according to the instructions under the supervision of a doctor and in accordance with the prescription of a medical specialist.