Rickettsia Marseilles fever

Rickettsial fever Although doctors and medical researchers have long recognized rickettsial diseases as one of the families of protozoons, classifying them as bacteria, these microorganisms, one might say, are in no hurry for this recognition. The presence of rRNA in their cell walls allows them to be classified as eukaryotes. Congo rat disease and Rocky Mountain fever were recognized at one time as bacterial infections, while Kaiser-Fleischner fever and endemic typhus were just atypical forms of them.

But what is rickettsiosis? Given the course of these infections, their symptoms and clinical manifestations, as well as immunological reactions, their diagnosis is difficult. The name “rickettsiosis” itself comes from the Latin name for insects - insects that are the causative agents of these diseases. And these small arthropods turn out to be not pathogens with the participation of which these diseases occur, they are rather even symbionts. Rickettsia is diagnosed under a microscope, and although there is always some risk of error, cases of diagnosing the disease at this stage are not uncommon. Therefore, it is necessary to remember about the possible misdiagnosis in the presence of fever that is not typical for the given area.