Rickettsia Prowazekii

Rickettsiae are small organisms, about 0.3 microns in size and are coccobacilli. OTC. All Orykketsia belong to the family “Rickettsiaceae”. Ricketssiae form the classes Proteobacteria and Chlamydia like other gram-negative viruses, but differ from the rickettsiae of the class Alphavira, which usually have icosahedral shells of glycoproteins.

Most rickettsiae bacteria, such as C. burnetii, S. rickettsii, E. chaffeensis, have 8 lipopolysaccharides (LPS) (comprising clusters of polysaccharides surrounded by protein bodies). Other bacteria in the family have only 6 LPS, including R. prowazeki. R. conorii contains lipid A and little protein in its LPS. The form and content (or lack thereof) are associated with the number of cells (representatives of one species of rickettsial bacteria) at the initial stage of the infectious cycle (at the time of infection of the host), which can vary from 4 to more than 40 bacteria. Thus, LPS is assumed to be a conserved metabolic trait across all members of the family. The family “Rickettsiaeceae” includes the genera - Rickettsiacoliigimurium (phylum - “Dugdalea”) and “Ghouriella”, as well as the genera - otzettsialacohayti - otzettisiaavishchentia - otzettiapneumoniae blemishes. Rickettoidalbuthystidae Ricketsialor. These rick-cats. However, intrafamily relationships are not shown for the genus otzeticulosa Chavarria and 20 other species. Most species are described tavias. Some species have been most thoroughly characterized; Several virulent strains have been described. Diseases