Reed Plane

R.W. Reid was a Scottish anatomist and scientific researcher who worked in the field of human morphology. His scientific achievements include studying human facial structure, identifying the location of facial nerves, and developing a method for measuring lip length.

Born in 1861 in Glasgow, Reid Flat began his education at the University of Aberdeen. There he received a BSc degree and continued his studies at the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh. In 1921, Reid graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a medical degree, after which he was accepted to a position at University College London, where he began his professional career in anatomy.

Reed Ploske has studied human anatomy throughout his career. He conducted research on facial structural anatomy, which allowed him to determine the location of the facial nerves in the human body. These studies allowed Reed to perform facial surgery more effectively. In addition, he developed a technique for measuring lip length to estimate facial size.

Ploske also developed a new experimental system for studying human tissue, which he called "an artificial system for studying normal and abnormal facial growth and development." Using this system, Reed, and subsequently his colleagues, were able to study the growth and development of the face under normal conditions and in various diseases. He also wrote an anatomy textbook, A Manual of Human Anatomy, which was published in 1913.

Despite his achievements in the field of anatomy, Reed was famous not only