Rigevidon 21+7

Rigevidon 21 + 7 is a combined hormonal contraceptive used to prevent pregnancy. It is one of the most effective and reliable methods of birth control, so it is often used by women who want to avoid pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy.

Rigevidon is produced in the manufacturing country of Hungary, and as a pharmaceutical group there is a combined oral contraceptive drug. It is produced by the Gedeon Richter company (Hungary). The international name of the drug is Ethinylestradione + Norgestrel.

Rigevidonna consists of 21 tablets taken over 28 days. After starting to take the first pills, a woman should not engage in sexual activity. You need to take the tablets every day at the same time with an equal time interval after meals.

The drug can be used by both elderly and young women, as well as those who have already had difficulties conceiving, pregnancy, miscarriage, or who want to avoid the recurrence of these problems. Vitamins and minerals are used in the production of these tablets, which adds additional effectiveness to them.

Contraindications for the drug are tumors, women's tendency to thromboemylation, liver failure, renal failure, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, diseases of the thyroid gland and eyes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, migraine, cystic mastoditis, itching, uterine fibroids, uterine leiomyosarcoma, gestational breast tumor. Women who experience hormonal insulin resistance may experience side effects such as eczema, vascular osteomalacia, thirst, and blurred vision. Also contraindications may be: diseases of the central nervous system, spine, hearing loss, psychosis, hallucination