Ring (Annulus, Ring)

Ring (Latin annulus, English ring) in anatomy is a round structure shaped like a ring.

The ring is a closed circle that limits any opening or passage in the body. Ring-shaped structures are widespread in human and animal anatomy.

Examples of ring-shaped structures:

  1. The esophageal opening of the diaphragm is limited by the esophageal ring.

  2. The urogenital diaphragm has openings surrounded by corresponding rings (m. sphincter urethrae, m. sphincter ani).

  3. Cartilaginous rings of the trachea and bronchi maintain their patency.

  4. The fibrous rings of the heart attach the valve leaflets.

  5. The pupil of the eye is surrounded by the iris with a pupillary ring.

Thus, the rings play an important role in the anatomy, performing supporting and limiting functions. Their ring shape is optimal for performing these functions.

Ring (Annulus) is a round structure that is shaped like a ring, and is often found in human and animal anatomy. Rings can come in different sizes and shapes, from thin and narrow to wide and massive.

In the human body, rings can be found in various organs and systems, for example, in blood vessels, nerve fibers, muscles, ligaments and other tissues. They can be formed from various materials such as tissue, bone, cartilage or fat.

Rings can serve various functions in the body, such as protection, support, signaling or movement control. For example, in the circulatory system, rings may serve to regulate blood flow, and in the nervous system, they may serve to transmit electrical impulses between neurons.

In addition, rings may have medicinal value. For example, the presence of rings in blood vessels may indicate the presence of diseases such as atherosclerosis or thrombosis. Rings can also be used as markers during research and diagnostics.

Thus, the ring is an important structure in humans and animals that has many functions and may be important for health and well-being.

In medicine, a ring is a peculiar figure that has the shape of a circle, but differs from other geometric figures. What is a ring? What kind of term is a ring?

The shape of this amazing object is not as simple as it seems at first. This is a ring that combines two types of rings: round and ring-shaped, not to mention