
Rhinitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Rhinitis, better known as runny nose, is one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, including colds, allergies and infections. Rhinitis can be acute or chronic and can lead to various complications if left untreated.

Acute catarrhal rhinitis

Acute catarrhal rhinitis, or simply a runny nose, is the most common form of rhinitis. It can be caused by colds, flu, allergies and other infectious diseases. When the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, mucus and other secretions begin to be produced, leading to nasal congestion, coughing, and other symptoms.

Acute rhinitis begins with dryness in the nasal cavity, burning, chills, and mild headache. Nasal congestion, excessive mucus secretion, frequent sneezing, and increased body temperature gradually appear. In the third stage of a runny nose, the nose remains stuffy, the discharge becomes thick and purulent, the headache and weakness do not go away. Symptoms of a runny nose can last from several days to several weeks.

Treatment of rhinitis

There are many ways to treat rhinitis. However, before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor to accurately determine the cause of the disease and avoid the negative consequences of improper treatment.

The main goals of treatment for rhinitis are to reduce symptoms and prevent complications. There are various methods you can use to do this, including:

  1. Use of local anti-inflammatory drugs. Nasal sprays and drops can help reduce nasal congestion and discharge.

  2. Use of antihistamines. These medications help treat allergic rhinitis by reducing symptoms such as nasal congestion and sneezing.

  3. Use of antiviral and antibacterial drugs. These medications may be used if rhinitis is caused by an infection.

  4. Use of hot drinks. Hot drinks, such as tea or broth, can help soften the nasal mucosa and relieve congestion.

  5. Using moist heat. Moist heat can help relieve nasal congestion and reduce discharge.

It is important to remember that self-medication of rhinitis can lead to complications and worsening of the condition. If the symptoms of a runny nose do not go away, you should consult a doctor for further examination and treatment. In some cases, tests, x-rays and other diagnostic methods may be required to accurately determine the cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In addition, it is important to take measures to prevent rhinitis, such as maintaining good hygiene, regularly ventilating rooms, strengthening the immune system and avoiding contact with sick people and allergens.

In general, rhinitis is a common disease that can be caused by various reasons. It is important to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment to avoid complications and quickly return to health.


**Rhinitis** is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that can lead to various symptoms. In this article we will look at the causes and treatment of rhinitis.

1. **Causes of rhinitis:** - viral infections - influenza viruses, rhinovirus, adenovirus, as well as coronaviruses; - bacterial infections; - allergies; - exposure to irritating environmental factors (dust, smoke, pollen, etc.); - dry air; - nasal injuries; - side effects of medications;

2. **Symptoms of rhinitis can be:** - sneezing; - runny nose; - headache; - difficulty in nasal breathing; - decreased sense of smell or taste; - cough; - fatigue;

3. **Treatment of rhinitis** includes eliminating the cause of the disease and relieving symptoms. Unfortunately, there is no universal cure for rhinitis, since the causes of this disease can be different. Some doctors prescribe antivirals for viral infections and antibiotics or antihistamines for bacterial infections or allergies. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs for a long time leads to dangerous addiction, and in the future it will not be possible to do without their use. Trust the professionals, the course of treatment should be drawn up by professionals!

4. **Preventing rhinitis.** To prevent rhinitis, it is recommended to avoid contact with allergens, promptly treat chronic diseases, and strengthen the immune system. Exercise hardening, try to move actively, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep. Unfavorable conditions, smoking, stress contribute to the occurrence of any disease. If you suffer from allergic rhinitis, then the house must have individual hypoallergenic household items and designated areas for animals. No smoking indoors. Try to get enough sleep to improve your immune system. The immune system especially suffers after poisoning with chemicals and alcohol. If you have a nose injury, you should definitely visit a doctor. Most injuries heal on their own. However, if a nasal fracture is suspected, the patient is hospitalized. The doctor may prescribe surgical treatment if there are signs of a fracture or bone displacement. After removing the plaster, a special massage is prescribed. Medical massage promotes the healing of soft tissue bruises and the prevention of complications, excluding the joint. Maintain hygiene