Rhinitis Atrophic Chronic

rhinitis Chronic Atrophic

Chronic atrophic rhinitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the nasal mucosa. It is characterized by a long and stable course. Its main cause is disruption of the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa, as a result of which it becomes thinner and dehydrated. Also involved in the process are allergies, viruses, bacteria, toxic substances, and air pollution. The mucous membrane becomes dry, loses its elasticity and protective function. All this creates conditions for the development of infection in the nasal cavity. With chronic atrophic rhinitis, the symptoms of the disease may not appear or be mild. In cases where the disease lasts a long time, it can develop into a more serious form - nasal polyposis with a significant decrease in respiratory function.

Signs of chronic atrophic rhinitis

Chronic atrophic rhinitis can manifest itself in different ways depending on the severity of symptoms.

Decreased respiratory function. This is the main symptom of the disease. The dry mucous membrane acts as a respiratory protection against infections and viruses. The hydration function is disrupted during the disease, and it becomes difficult for a person to breathe. Breathing is difficult and the patient experiences discomfort when breathing through the nose. Respiratory function may be impaired either permanently or periodically. When a person inhales, he hears characteristic clicks. If nasal breathing has not improved after several days of active treatment, then most likely the inflammation is already at a critical stage of development.

Nasal congestion. A person feels that his nose is breathing very poorly. He breathes through the other nostril, through his mouth. Because of

Rhinitis Atrophic Chronic

Rhinitis Atrophic Chronic (RAC) is a group of conditions associated with prolonged, severe and persistent non-purulent pain and other symptoms in the nose associated with its mucous membrane. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing through the nose, sneezing, itching, mucus buildup