Hallervorden-Spatz Disease

Hallervorden-Schwatz dystrophy: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hallervorden-Schwatz disease, also known as Haller's disease, is a disease that affects the nervous system and can lead to impaired movement function and coordination. As a result, a person may experience difficulty performing simple activities such as sitting, walking, or even holding a cup of water.

Causes of Haller's disease:

1. Genetic factors: the disease can be inherited or occur in people whose parents themselves suffered from the disease. 2. Effects of injury: When the brain has been damaged due to injury or infection, it can lead to symptoms of illness

3. Drugs: Some medications can cause symptoms of the disease 4. Degenerative changes: The cause of the disease may be related to degenerative changes that occur in the brain.

Symptoms of the disease: 1. Difficulty in moving the eyeballs; it is difficult for a person to focus on objects located in front of the eyes. 2. Change in gait, unsteady gait. Lack of coordination of movements, failures in performing daily exercises. 3. Speech and speech problems: A person suffering from Gallard-Schwatz disease may have problems pronouncing words or spelling them. 4. Optic neuritis: This is a condition that can cause vision problems such as blurred vision or loss of visual acuity.