
Rhinolalia is a speech disorder that is characterized by distorted pronunciation of sounds caused by dysfunction of the speech apparatus. This condition can be caused by a variety of reasons, including birth defects, injury, infection, and other diseases.

In rhinolalia, sounds are distorted due to the incorrect position of the tongue or palate, which leads to impaired pronunciation of sounds that should be pronounced through the nose. As a result, a person may speak with a nasal tone of voice that can be either high or low.

Rhinolalia can be caused by various reasons, such as:

– Congenital defects of the palate or tongue
– Injuries that lead to improper functioning of the speech apparatus
– Infections that may affect the functioning of the roof of the mouth or tongue
– Medicines that can cause rhinolalia

The diagnosis and treatment of rhinolalia is carried out by specialists in the field of speech therapy. They use various methods such as observing the patient's speech, analyzing video recordings and other methods. Treatment may include the use of special exercises that help improve the functioning of the speech apparatus and reduce nasal pronunciation of sounds.

It is important to note that rhinolalia can cause serious problems in communication and social adaptation. Therefore, if you notice speech disorders in yourself or your child, you need to contact a specialist for diagnosis and treatment.