Rhythm Conditional-Physiological

The rhythm of conditional physiological processes is the temporary characteristics of the natural activity of the physiological systems of the body. It is determined by the combined influence of the internal environment of the body (homeostasis and vegetative reactions) and the external world (physical, social, psychological, biological environmental factors). The concept of the rhythms of a conditional physiological process has been formed in recent decades in physiology, valeology and medicine, and is associated with the functioning of “adaptation systems”. This is due to the need for scientific substantiation of the complex of the most significant factors that ensure the balance of the internal environment, as the basis for maintaining vital activity and health.

The conditioned physiological reactivity of the body not only has a reserve potential, but also serves as a reflection of phenomena that are under the stress of the adaptation syndrome. Thanks to the development of functional-system concepts and the theory of functional systems, the physiology of these processes has developed, contributing to the study of the essence of the phenomenon of nonspecific resistance and its role in ensuring effective interaction of the body with the external environment. Earlier, G. Selye stated: “We must first recognize that adaptation to any wavelength consists of two main components: resistance and adaptive properties. In order for the body to perform the tasks of daily life, whether physical or psychological, resistance primarily determines the ability to withstand the destructive effects of constantly present harmful agents. Adaptive factors are also necessary to perform these tasks, since they determine