
Rivtagil is a drug that is used to treat allergic reactions such as hay fever, rhinitis, skin itching, urticaria, eczema and other dermatoses that are accompanied by itchy skin. It can also be used to treat reactions caused by insect bites and angioedema. However, Rivtagil has a number of contraindications and side effects, so you should consult your doctor before using it.

The manufacturer of Rivtagi is the Akrikhin XFK company, which is located in Russia, and Rivo Pharmaceuticals SA, located in Switzerland. The international name of the drug is Clemastine. Synonyms include Bravegil and Tavegil. Rivtagil is available in the form of 1 mg tablets.

Rivtagil is a histamine H1 receptor blocker that reduces allergy symptoms such as itchy skin and inflammation of the respiratory tract. It can be helpful for various forms of allergies, including seasonal allergies, food allergies, and drug allergies. As a rule, Rivtagil begins to act 60-90 minutes after administration and lasts for several hours.

However, as with any drug, there are a number of contraindications, side effects and interactions with other drugs, it is necessary